Chapitre 4 Social Psychology Flashcards
Free will compliance and binding communication
Respect du libre arbitre et communication contraignante
Foot-in-the-door effet
L’effet du pied dans la porte
Free will compliance
Joules et Beauvois 1998
The study of the techniques likely to lead an individual to freely modify his béhavioristes.
Conformité respect
FITD foot-in-the-door
The principle of the FITD technique is based on asking for a little (preliminary act) before asking for a great deal (expected behavior
inocuous questions
Questions anodines
Au préalable
Compliance with the expected behavior dropped off when the initial request was either to engage in a different behavior (sign a petition) or support a different cause (“Keeping California beautiful’”).
Le respect du comportement attendu diminue lorsque la demande initiale est soit d’adopter un comportement différent (signer une pétition), soit de soutenir une cause différente (“Keeping California beautiful”).
Commitment theory /théorie de l’engagement
Commitment theory Based on the theory of commitment (Kiesler, 1971), the effects of the preliminary acts will be modulated by the context in which they are performed. This context can involve more or less commitment, or even no commitment at all.
According to Kiesler (1971), “commitment is the pledging or binding of an indivi- dual to behavioural acts”
Selon Kiesler (1971), “l’engagement est la promesse ou la liaison d’un individu à des actes comportementaux”
Selon Joule et Beauvois (1998), les caractéristiques objectives d’une situation peuvent engager ou non un individu dans ses actes, et donc contribuer à établir une relation entre un individu et ses actes
According to Joule and Beauvois (1998), the objective characteristics of a situation may or may not commit an individual in his/her acts, and hence help establish a relationship between an individual and his/her acts.
The commitment variable can be handled using factors in two catégories:
1) Act visibility and importance
a) public nature of the act
b) act irrevocability
c) act repetition
d) act consequence : the serious the consequences, the higher the commitment
e) act cost
2) reasons for the act and freedom context
What are the preliminary acts to be obtained beforehand? The binding communication approach is distinguished from that of persuasive communication because it takes into account this last question, thus, giving the target the status of an actor rather than a mere receiver.
Quels sont les actes préliminaires à obtenir au préalable ?”. L’approche de la communication contraignante se distingue de celle de la communication persuasive par la prise en compte de cette dernière question, donnant ainsi à la cible un statut d’acteur et non de simple récepteur. Deschamps, Joule et Gumy (2005), par exemple, ont utilisé la communication contraignante pour inciter les citoyens suisses à voter lors des élections
The group was asked to Carry out a preliminary act : filling a questionnaire on their opinions and voting practices
Le groupe a été invité à effectuer un travail préliminaire : remplir un questionnaire sur leurs opinions et leurs pratiques de vote.
Drawing up an argument against abstention
Élaborer un argument contre l’abstention
Binding communication attempts to show that by resorting to a preliminary act before diffusing a persuasive message, it is possible to obtain behavioral changes that would not be obtained without resorting to such acts. It is not just about presenting targets with information and arguments. Efforts are put into encouraging targets to carry out preliminary actions and to make specific commitments.
La communication contraignante tente de démontrer qu’en recourant à un acte préalable à la diffusion d’un message persuasif, il est possible d’obtenir des changements de comportement qui ne seraient pas obtenus sans le recours à de tels actes. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de présenter aux cibles des informations et des arguments. Des efforts sont déployés pour inciter les cibles à réaliser des actions préalables et à prendre des engagements précis
Birds of a feather flock together
Les oiseaux d’une même plume se rassemblent
Reward or belief validation
Récompense ou validation des croyances
Mere exposure effect
Simple effet d’exposition
Underlying factor
Facteur sous jacent
Agreement between partners appears to confirm for both of them that they are right to think or to behave the way they do
Similarity can be interpreted as a reward or a belief validation.
Similiraties go Unnoticed
Differences are visible
Les similitudes passent inaperçues
Les différences sont visibles
Physical attractiveness is more visible than the reasons why we long for it
L’attrait physique est plus visible que les raisons pour lesquelles nous le recherchons.
Physical attractiveness
-they are unaware that criteria of physical beauty fit the main assumptions of evolutionary psychology.
Men prefer women with a WHR waist to hip ratio 0,7
Whose who get pregnant more easily and the highest likelihood of being in good health
- people whose faces and bodies are most symmetrical (good genes and good health)
Women prefer men who display cues of high status (Indices de statut élevé)
Relationship experts versus Withdrawer
Experts en relations et repli sur soi
Regarding love and and friendship, women…
Women are more aware of relationships compared to men.
-displays more emotion and value closeness and intimacy.
- interdependant self-construal : relationships are part of their identity
-describe relationships in a more sophisticated fashion
-more pragmatic and more caution (prudente) during relationship initiation while men endorse romantic beliefs
Idealization in couples is connected to satisfaction regarding the relationship:
those who perceive their partners more positively than the partners view themselves receive more emotional benefit from their relationships. Therefore, such positive illusions (Murray, Holmes, & Griffin, 1999) are a means by which people can maintain long-term relationships.
Causes of attraction may be worth thinking about, consequences go unnoticed
Previous research, just as natural thinking, has focused almost exclusively on the antecedents of attraction: why do we like or love?
However what are the possible conséquences of love and friendship
(On memory or judgment, behaviors)
interpersonal influence strategies in which influence proceeds in stages, each of which provides the foundation for subsequent changes in behavior.
Sequential influence techniques
the classic persuasion strategy in which persuaders begin with a small request and then follow it up with a second, larger – and target – request.
(Banknote experience)
Foot-in-the-door technique (FITD)
a persuader makes a large request that is almost certain to
persuader had in mind at the outset.
Door-in-the-face technique (DITF)
With “foot-in-the-mouth” persuasion people put themselves in a trap by responding to the simple question of “How are you today” or something else that makes them at ease.
Foot in the mouth
The low-ball is a persuasion and selling technique whereby an item or service is offered at a lower price than is actually intended to be charged, after which the price is raised to increase profits.
Low balling (amorçage)
(Frais cachés ou 7hdu mat’)
a communicator presents a request, and then tells the receiver “that’s not all”; an additional small product accompanies the larger item, supposedly in this situation only. The approach is theoretically more effective than one in which both products are
presented at the same time
“That’s-not-all” technique
the persuader deliberately places the recipient in a state of fear, only to quickly eliminate the threat, and replace it with a mild request for compliance.
a communicator makes a request in an unusual manner, thereby piquing the target’s interest. This technique is said to be effective because the unusual request causes people to give mindful consideration to it.
Pique technique
communicative behavior in which an agent engages in an effort to elicit from a target an agent-selected behavior; one-on-one interpersonal communication encounter in which a communicator requests compliance from another individual.
comportement communicatif dans lequel un agent s’engage dans un effort pour obtenir d’une cible un comportement choisi par l’agent ; rencontre de communication interpersonnelle en tête-à-tête dans laquelle un communicateur demande à un autre individu de se conformer à ses exigences.
Measuring 6 basic styles of love
Eros- passionate, romantic love
Ludus -ludic love as a game
Storge - storgic -love as friendship or companionship Pragma - pragmatic or practical approach to love
Mania manic -obsessive jealous and addictive
Agape Agapic - kind unselfish love
Kubler Ross’s model
Five stages of grief model
The detachment process
Initially for grief (deuil)
Denial anger bargaining dépression and acceptance
But similar reaction in people confronted with relationship break-up …
Disengagement stratégies
Leslie Baxter
Avoidance Withdrawal
Positive tone
Open confrontation
A process not an event