Chap 6 selection Flashcards
Selection Process
A series of specific steps used by an employer to decide which recruits should be hired / Choosing among individuals
Application Blank
A job application form
Weighted Application Blank
A job application in which various items are given differential weights to reflect their relationship to criterion measure
Biographical information Blanks
A type of information blank that uses a multiple choice format to measure a job’s candidate educaton, experience, opinion, attitude, and interest
Selection Tools
- Application blank
- Letter of reference
- Weighted application Blank
- Biographical information Blank
- Personality Test
- Aptitude test
- Honesty test
- Interest inventories
6 Selection Steps
1) Courtesy interview / Letter of agnoledgement
2) Review of application blanks
3) Administration of employment test
4) Verification of reference
5) Employment interview
6) Realistic job preview
The degree to which a selection device yields consistant results over time
The accuracy with which a predictor measurs what it is supposed to measure
Types of interviews
- Unstructures Interviews
- Structured interviews
- Mixed
- Behaviouraly oriented
- Stress Producing
- Computer assisted / video
Unstructured interview
Interview using few if any planned questions to enable the interviewer to persue in depth the applicant responses
Structured interview
Relies on a predetermined list of questions asked of all applicants.
Can be behaviouraly oriented or not
Mixed interview
Combination of structured and unstructured interviews
Behavioural description interviews
Attenpts to find out how job applicats responded to specific sitation in the past
Situational interview
Atempts to access a job applicant’s likely future response to specific situations which may or may not have been faced by the applicant in the past.
Stress producing interview
Uses a series of harsh rapid questions to upset the applicant and learn how he or she reacts under stress
Computer assisted interview
Uses a computer to electronicaly profile job candidates and screen new hires
Video interview
Interview approach that uses solicitated videos of candidate’s answers to provided questions
5 Objectives of the interview process
- Match applicant’s KSOA with job requierments
- Observe behaviour
- Predict future performance
- Comunicate information about the job
- Promote organization
Interview Process
- Preparation
- creation of a rapport
- Information exchange
- Termination
- Evaluation
Possible errors and Biases during the interview process
- Halo effect
- Leading questions
- stereotyping
- Interviewer Domination
Halo effect
Use of limited information about a candidate to bias the interview’s evaluation
Leading questions (telegraphing)
Inadvertently comunicating the desired answer
Interviewer Domination
Using interview to oversale and brag