Chap-4 terms Flashcards
formal group or cluster of tasks
an expected pattern or set of behaviors
Job analysis?
systematic process of identifying and describing the important aspects of a job and the characteristics a worker needs to do it well
Job family?
grouping of jobs that either call for similar worker characteristics or contain parallel work tasks
Future-oriented job analysis?
technique for analyzing new jobs or how jobs will look in the future
Essential functions?
fundamental duties or tasks of a position
Job description?
written description of the duties and responsibilities associated with a job
Person specification?
summarizes the characteristics of someone able to perform the job well
Essential criteria?
job candidate characteristics that are critical to the adequate performance of a new hire
Desirable criteria?
job candidate criteria that may enhance the new hire’s job success, but that are not essential to adequate job performance
Critical incidents technique?
job analysis method that identifies extremely effective and ineffective behaviors by documenting critical incidents that have occurred on the job
Job elements method?
job analysis method that uses expert brainstorming sessions to identify the characteristics successful workers already have
Structured interview technique?
job analysis method in which subject matter experts provide information about the job verbally in structured face-to-face interviews
Subject matter expert?
person who exhibits expertise in a job
Task inventory approach?
job analysis method in which job experts generate a list of 50 to 200 tasks grouped into categories reflecting the job’s major functions; the functions are then evaluated on dimensions relevant for selection purposes
Structured questionnaire method?
job analysis method that involves using a list of preplanned questions designated to analyze a job
Position analysis questionnaire(PAQ)?
copyrighted, standardized job analysis questionnaire that can be used for just about any job
Job task?
observable unit of work with a beginning and an end
organized body of factual or procedural information that can be applied to a task
The capability to perform tasks accurately and with ease; skills often refer to psychomotor activities
more stable and enduring capability to perform a variety of tasks than a skill allows
“Other” characteristics?
characteristics that do not fall into the knowledge, skill or ability categories; they include a person’s values, interests, integrity, work style, and other personality traits
Job duty?
set of related tasks that are repeated on the job
Competency modeling?
job analysis method that identifies the necessary worker competencies for high performance