High level assurance engagement hay low level assurance engagement cần nhiều procedure hơn
high bởi vì muốn kết luận là true&fair thì phải rất thận trọng và đánh giá nhiều
Định nghĩa audit strategy và audit plan.
Cách phân biệt
Audit strategy: The formulation of the general strategy for the audit, which sets the scope, timing and direction of the audit and guides the development of the audit plan.
Audit plan: An audit plan is more detailed than the strategy and sets out the nature,
timing and extent of audit procedures (including risk assessment procedures) to beperformed by engagement team members in order to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
Cách pb: audit plan show how overall audit strategy will be implemented.
Audits are planned để lj
Ensure appropriate attention is devoted to important areas of the audit
Identify potential problems and resolve them on a timely basis
Ensure that the audit is properly organised and managed
Assign work to engagement team members properly
Facilitate direction and supervision of engagement team members
Facilitate review of work
Internal audit là j. Pb internal và external audit
là kiểm toán nội bộ bên trong cty, ktra và đảm bảo hệ thống kế toán của công ty.
Kiểm toán độc lập là được công ty thuê để đánh giá tính minh bạch FS của công ty, internal audit có thể thực hiện nhiều lần trong năm tùy nhu cầu cty nhưng external audit thường chỉ làm 1 lần 1 năm và là bắt buộc
4 stage để planning an audit
Step 1: Ensuring that ethical requirements continue to be met
Step 2: Ensuring the terms of the engagement are understood
Step 3: Establishing the overall audit strategy
Step 4: Developing an audit plan include risk assessment procedures, audit test, other procedures comply with ISA
Lưu ý: audit plan và các sửa đổi audit plan phải được documented
Các bước cần làm để establish overall audit strategy
1, identify relevant characteristics of engagement vd: reprorting framework
2,discovering key date for reporting and other communication
3,determining materiality, preliminary risk assessment, internal control
4,consideration khi nào thì work carried out
5, consideration team member available, their skill, how they will be used,…
Key contents of an overall audit strategy
Sách trang 56
Objective của auditor theo ISA 315
The objective of the auditor is to identify and assess the risks of material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, at the financial statement and
assertion levels thereby providing a basis for designing and implementing
responses to the assessed risks of material misstatement.
Why auditors must obtaining an understanding the entity and its environment
To identify and assess the risks of material misstatement in the financial
To enable the auditor to design and perform further audit procedures
To provide a frame of reference for exercising audit judgement, for example,
when setting audit materiality
What auditors must obtaining to an understanding the entity and its environment ( xem kĩ hơn ở bảng 3.1 sách t61)
1,Industry, regulatory and other
external factors, including the
applicable financial reporting
- Market and competition
- Product technology
- Accounting principles
- Tax/legislation
- Interest rates/inflation,…
2,Nature of the entity
- Revenue sources
- Products or services
- Locations
- Key customers/suppliers
- Financing
- Investment,…
3,Objectives and strategies and related business risks
- New products/services
- Expansion
- Use of IT,…
4,Measurement and review of the entity’s financial performance
- Trends
- Ratios, KPIs
- Budgets and forecasts,…
5, Internal control
- control activities
-monitoring of control
-internal audit
-control environment
-entity risk asessment process
6, Selection and application of accounting policies
- Changes in accounting
- New legislation
How auditors obtaining an understanding the entity and its environment
Inquiries of management and others within the entity
Analytical procedures
Observation and inspection
Prior period knowledge
Discussion of the susceptibility of the financial statements to material misstatement among the engagement team
Định nghĩa analytical procedure
Analytical procedures means evaluation of financial informationthrough the study of plausible relationships among both financial
and non-financial data.
Analytical procedure bao gồm những type of comparison nào
- Prior periods
- Budgets and forecasts
- Industry information
- Predictive estimates
- Relationships between elements of financial information, ie ratio analysis
- Relationships between financial and non-financial information, ie payroll
costs to the number of employees - Investigation of unusual/significant changes
việc chọn procedure is a matter của cj
auditor professional judgement
Auditor use analytical procedure lj
auditor to use analytical procedures (preliminary
analytical procedures) => Risk assessment procedures
auditors to apply analytical procedures as substantive procedures (substantive analytical procedures)
auditors to apply analytical procedures in the overall review at the end of the audit (review analytical
Analytical sẽ giúp auditor phân tích thông tin j của client
1, interim financial information
3,management account
4,non-financial ìnformation
5,bank and cash record
6,VAT return
7,board minute( biên bản họp HĐQT)
8,discussion,correspond with client ( thảo luận, thư từ với client)
Return on cap
profit before interest, tax/ equity+net debt
Return on shareholder fund
net profit/share cap+reserve
Gross profit margin
(Gross profit/Rev)x100
COS percentage
Operating cost percentage
Net margin
Profit before interest,tax x100/ Rev
Current ratio
Current asset/currrent lia
quick ratio
receivable+current invest+cash/current lia