1,How to đánh giá quality of evidence
1, evidence from external source is more reliable than entity sources
2,evidence obtained directly form assurance provider is more reliable than indirectly or inference
3,evidenced obtained from entity record sẽ more reliable nếu control system của entity effectively
4,evidence bằng document hay written thì đáng tin hơn bằng oral
5,original document đáng tin hơn photocopy, facsimiles(photo)
8 procedure to obtain evidence, sắp xếp theo độ tin cậy từ cao xuống thấp
1, Inspection of tangible assets
5,External confirmation
6, Recalculation
8,Analytical procedure
2,Inspection of documentation
Thông thường các thủ tục sẽ được dùng kết hợp
1, Inspection of tangible asset
Definition Inspection of tangible assets is the inspection or count by the
auditor of a tangible assets.
* Ex: Inspection of tangible fixed assets, cash on hand, inventory,…
Strengths and Weakness
* Confirm existence of assets but not confirm rights and obligation or valuation
* Confirmation that assets seen are recorded in accounting records gives evidences of completeness. ( điều tra trực tiếp rồi đối chiếu với các mục trên FS)
* High reliability of audit evidence ( vì do auditor trực tiếp làm)
* The weakness associated with inspection is that assets not used in daily production could be hidden from the assurance providers and not included in financial statements
Inspection of documentation
Definition: Inspection of documentation involves examining records or
* Ex: Looking at the sale contract or share certificate
Inspection of documentation depends on the nature of document
=> Documents can be internal (prepared by the client’s organization) or external
(prepared or handled by someone outside the organization who is a party to the
2 cách inspection documentation
* Tracing: từ source document đối chiếu với Ledger and journal xem các giao dịch xuất hiện đầy đủ chưa => test tính completeness
* Vouching: Từ ledger and journal đối chiếu với source document => test tính occurence
Inspection provides evidence of valuation, rights and obligations, presentation and disclosure
Strengths and weakness: Depending on what is being inspected to give evidence (Ex. Sources of documentation mà là purchase invoice( bên t3 cấp) sẽ tốt hơn là sale invoice(entity tự làm))
Definition: Observation involves watching a procedures being
performed * Ex1: the auditor observes the separation of duties such as separation of
custody of assets from accounting, separation of operation responsibilityfrom record-keeping responsibility. * Ex2: observe the condition of inventory whether it is obsolete or slowmoving
Strengths and weakness: Relatively weak because the procedure is
being performed correctly when the assurance provider is watching
cái observation này chỉ mang tính thời điểm nên là độ tin cậy kém
External confirmation
Definition: External confirmation involves seeking confirmation from a third
* Ex: Confirmation from bank of bank balances, confirmation from customer of account receivables balances…
Strengths and weaknesses
* Strong evidence (Strength)
* Third party is motivated to misrepresent (Weakness)
Ex: understated receivables balance might be confirmed because it favoured the
Definition: Checking mathematical accuracy of client’s records
* Ex: adding up ledger accounts. Strengths and weaknesses: * Strong evidence => created by the assurance provider
Definition: Independently executing procedures or controls, either manually or
through the use of computer assisted techniques
* Ex: the auditor compare the price on an invoice to an approval price list or reperform( so sánh giá trên bảng giá niêm yết với giá trên hóa đơn)
the aging accounts receivable. Strengths and Weakness
* Strong evidence => the assurance provider carries out the performance of a control himself makes it strong evidence.
Analytical procedures
Definition: Evaluating and comparing financial and/or non-financial datafor plausible relationships and investigating unexpected fluctuations.
Strengths and weakness:
* Evidence is limited by the strength or weakness of underlying accounting system * Strong evidence if comparison do not reply on the same accounting or assurance
provider can corroborate outside the accounting system.( là strong procedure nếu sự so sánh k dựa vào cùng 1 hệ thống accounting
vd: bằng chứng sale k lấy ở bộ phận kế toán mà lấy ở bộ phận bán hàng)
3 type of computer assisted audit techniques( CAATs)
1,Test of data
2,Audit software
3,Data analytics
Test data
Test data
Test data for test of control => Supervises the process of running data
through the client’s system. The stages in the use of test data: * Note control in client’s system
* Decide upon test data including: dummy data, real data, dummy data against
a verified of the client’s system
* Run the test data
* Compare results with those expected * Conclude on whether controls are operating properly
Audit software
Audit software makes use of the assurance providers’ own specialized
software (include: off-the-self packages or a tailor-made system)
Audit software works on the basis of interrogating the client’s system
and analyzing information.
Carry out whole range of substantive procedures
Example of what audit software can do:
* Extract a sample according to specified criteria:
– random
– over a certain amount
– below a certain amount
– at certain dates
* Calculate ratios and select those outside set criteria (eg, more than 5% different from
last year)
* Check calculations and casts performed by the system
* Prepare reports (eg, comparison of actual against budgeted figures)
* Follow items through a system and flag where they are posted
Note: If the test does not require judgement, then it can almost certainly be carried
out by audit software.
Data analytic
Within an audit context, known as Audit Data analytics (ADA) * DA can be seen as part of “big data”
* DAs are fundamentally a modern and developed form of CAATs
* DAs software came from the older audit software, but standardized and more
powerful * Standard DAs techniques can simply be applied to a client’s data => more
efficient process * Auditor can generate intuitive visualizations of very complex data => use
analysis to spot trends that might have been missed
Some example of specific areas of ADA used
* Analyse all transactions in a population, stratify that population and identify outliers for further
* Reperform calculations relevant to the financial statements
* Match transactions as they pass through a processing cycle
* Assist in segregation of duties testing
* Compare entity data to externally obtained data
* Manipulate data to assess the impact of different assumptions. * Analyses of revenue trends split by product or region
* Matches of orders to cash and purchases to payments
* Three-way matches between purchase/sales orders, goods received/despatched documentation
and invoices
* ‘Can do, did do testing’ of user codes to test whether segregation of duties is appropriate, and
whether any inappropriate combinations of users have been involved in processing transactions
Tại sao data analytics lại ra đời?
Tại vì technology của audit software k đủ mạnh để làm tailor CAATs cho mỗi client, nó sẽ rất tốn tiền, nên nta đã phát triển từ older audit software lên complex testing perfomed on data mà k cần tạo tailor-made software, cái stndard data analytic này có thể apply vào client data, hiệu quả hơn những cái cũ
3 loại analytical procedure
1,Preliminary Analytical procedures in
planning (compulsory) (ISA 315)
2,Substantive Analytical procedures as
substantive procedures (optional)
3,Review Analytical procedures at the overall
review stage (compulsory) of an audit
4 factors auditor phải cân nhắc khi sử dụng analytical procedure as substantive procedure
1, Suitability
- AP nên dùng với một lượng lớn transaction dễ đoán vd như payroll
- mục đích của test vd như 1 số ap cung cấp persuasive evidence , 1 số khác chỉ cung cấp corroboration bổ trợ cho các test khác
- 1 số test khác đã hướng tới assertion này r
- xem xét liệu AP có phù hợp đưa ra nature of assertion và assessment of risk related with it không
2, Reliability of data
- Source of infor used ( internal hay external)
- tính comparability của infor( ví dụ industry standard ngành khác sẽ k hữu ích cho công ty k thuộc ngành đó)
- Nature and relevance of infor
- Liệu rằng control trong quá trình sản xuất thông tin có đảm bảo tính completeness,accuracy,validity
3, Precision
- tính accuracy của kết quả dự đoán của ktv nhưng phải là đối với những item có thể dự đoán dk. vd như ktv có thể đự doán lương nvien dựa vào số lượng nvien và mức lương bình quân nhưng k dự đoán dk chi phí markerting nên k thể sử dụng AP để dự đoán phí marketing
- extent of infor có thể bị chia nhỏ( disaggregate) vd như doanh thu có thể chia nhỏ dk thành doanh thu theo quý , theo tháng
- tính avaiability của infor được yêu cầu)
4, Acceptable difference
- bị ảnh hưởng bởi materiality và level of assurance
1 số lưu ý khi sử dụng AP
Analytical procedures should be used at the risk assessment stage.
AP identified significant fluctuations or relationships that are inconsistent
with other relevant information or unexpected results => investigated
further => shall make inquiries of management. If management response can not be corroborated or are unavailable, the
auditor shall perform other audit procedures
The auditor may consider testing the operating effectiveness of controls, if any, over the preparation of information used in applying analytical procedures
Sources of information to perform AP in risk assessment stage:
- Interim financial information
- Budgets
- Management accounts
- Non-financial information
- Bank and cash records
- Sales tax returns
- Board minutes
- Discussions or correspondence with the client at the year end.
- Industry information
2 problem thường xảy ra kh test 1 items nào đó trên FS?
1, overstated
=> phải thực hiện test để phát hiện 2 lỗi này, test này gọi là directional test
How to test for overstated( existence/occurence)
Figure in the account
documentation -> Supporting
- The auditor should start with the figure given, and follow the audit trail until
coming the supporting document
- Note: Traditionally, all debit entries (expenses and assets) are tested for overstatement
How to test for understated ( completeness)
Reciprocal population ->Supporting
evidence ->Intermediate
documentation ->Figure in the account
- The auditor will have to select from population (reciprocal population) which will give the chance of selecting omitted items in account
- Note: Traditionally, all credit entries (revenue, liabilities, equity and reserves) are tested
for understatement
Reciporal population là j?
reciprocal population: tương hỗ cho cái mình đang ktra
vd: muốn ktra payable có bị understate k thì mình chọn 1 nghiệp vụ mua hàng trong năm kế toán và trả tiền sau khi kết thúc năm kế toán, test xem khi kết thúc năm thì doanh no có ghi nhận nợ cho cái hàng ý k , muốn test dk thì mình phải so sánh vs grn, thì cái hoạt động chọn mẫu để test này gọi là tương hỗ
Khi test understatement tk payable, các reciprocal population có thể lấy từ các population nào
1, subsequent disbursement( giải ngân sau đó)
2,unpaid invoice
3,supplier statement
4,unmatch receiving report
Ví dụ về accounting estimate. Tại sao phải audit accounting estimate
warranties,depreciation, allowance. Bởi vì nó là ước tính nên sẽ có thể xảy ra bias vd như cố tình kéo dài useful life của tsan để giảm depreciation nên auditor phải sử dụng professional judgement để xem xét