Describe the ROLES of CARBOHYDRATES [2]
1) immediate source of energy - produces energy for cellular activities
2) Structural support for plant cells - cellulose is essential component of call wall
Describe ROLES of FATS [3]
1) long term storage of energy
2) Insulation for the body
2) Solvents for fat-soluble vitamins A , D , E , K
describe ROLES of PROTEINS [2]
1) synthesis of hormones & proteins
2) Forms antibodies to combat diseases
Describe the synthesis of STARCH from glucose [2]
- glucose molecules are linked together in long straight chains / branched chains
- It is a storage molecule in plants
Describe the synthesis of GLYCOGEN from glucose [2]
- glucose molecules are linked together in highly branched chains
- storage molecule in animals & fungi
describe the synthesis of CELLULOSE from glucose [2]
- glucose molecules are linked in long straight chains
- similar to starch but differs in the glucose unit linkages
State reasons why GLYCOGEN & STARCH are the storage forms of glucose in animal & plant cells respectively.
1) insoluble in water -> do not affect water potential in cells
2) too large to diffuse out of the cells -> remains in the cells
3) compact -> more glucose units are packed in a small space
4) easily hydrolyses into glucose for cellular respiration