Chap-21 Poverty, Hunger and Dev Flashcards
Dominant Ortodox Approach
categorisation of reasons of poverty and their solutions through neoliberal policies
critical approach
other approach
Reasons for poverty
lack of money, material needs, lack of representation through voices, communitypower, independence
Dominant orthodox approach 1st argues by
Robert Malthus 1798 An essay on the principle of population
Robert Malthus view
more popultion growth less fodd supply thus poverty
opposing reasond to orthodox view was
- food used for fattening animals for meat consumption
- land replace from food crop for local to grow export crops. STRUCURAL ADJUSTMENT PROG.
- to biofuel indusrty
alternative explanation of orthodox
AMARTYA SEn Poverty and famine an essay on entitlement and deprivation
famine occur not becaue lack of food but bec.lack of access to the food.
Refashioning nature: Food, Ecology and Culture 1991
David Goodman and Michael redclift
goodman and redclift view
Glob. has cause local food producer to produv=ce cash crops and might have urbanised becoing net consumer but no more producing food
what causeed the shift in local food production to industrialisation
after ww2 US food surplus subsistence farming shifted to industrialisation developing countries incentivied as nobody wanted local food consumer taste changed, availiability of cheap imports.
embedded liberalism
forming org. liberal org but providing state intervention in support ogf national interest and global stability.
orthodox view
formation of neoliberal org. for removing poverty, WB,IMF,GATT etc. oil price hike in 1970 developing countries heavily borrowed; then 1979 when oil prices reduce developed countries rose massive interest rates.
famine relief
Robert Cox were poverty is mitigated through schemes and aid.
Dag hammerskold Book What now another development
self reliance, need oriented, endogenous ecologically sound.
occupy movt
socio pol movt across north america under the banner we are the 99%
chiapa uprising
mexico indigenous and subsistence farmer conflict
The Alternative Declaration Copenhagen Summit
community partcipation, empowerment,
brundtland commision 1980s
more eco friendly growth for future generations sustainable development
operation polict 4.2 by World Bank
reduce gender disparities and enhance opportunities for women