2010 Flashcards
The Nation-State system originated
The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights was adopted on
10 Dec, 1948
Which of the following dates refers
to ‘Black Tuesday’
20 years 1919 -39 book
Agenda for Peace who said
Boutro Boutros Ghali(egyptian diplomaat; 6 sec genUn)
“National Interest is defined in terms
of Power” – who said this
H.P Morgenthau
The chief exponent of
communication approach in
International Relations is
Nobert Weiner
The ‘New Great Debate’ is between
Traditional vs Science
Who classified elements of National
Power as permanent and temporary
Who said “Security and Peace are
the main purposes of Balance of
E.B Haas
Triple Alliance was formed in
1882(Germany, Austro-hungary, italy)
“Diplomacy is the promotion of
national interest by peaceful means”
– who made this statement
‘Bus Diplomacy which leader
Vajpayee(Indo-Pak) Delhi lahore bus service
The Collective Security System has
been laid down in the Charter of the
UN contains articles ?
13 articl/es
“The Uniting for Peace Resolution”
was adopted by the UN Security
Council in the year
trizonia and brizonia
WEst germany and east germany