Chap-20 Race in World Pol. Flashcards
Foreign Affairs ‘the problem of 20th century
WEB du bois
which company got monoploy over english trade
royal african company 1672
haitian rev date what happened
1791-1805; enslaved african insurgency against europena ;french island of St.Domingue.1805 haitian Const. was ratified.
categorisation of Pacific
Dumont D urville Polynesia, Micronesia ,Melanesia
What was the civilising mission La mission civilastrice
Europeans believed they could civilised other race from savagery and barabarism
1848 Algeria became
departmente to the french govt.
martial race
euroepans considered aggressive race that
How league reflected standard of civilisation
categorsing ottoman and germany empire as ABC
Scientific Racism
struggle for civilisation through reproduction
Francis Galot eugenics ideology was
Individual perfect humanity removing defects reproduction should be scientificially controlled
racial hygiene termed by who and his ideology
Alfred Ploetz. Danger of miscegenation preservation of aryan Race
germany foreign expansionist policy ‘Living Space’.
Imperila Germany army attacked which african communitiy
Hereros and Namas of West and East Africa
UNIA-ACL festures
1914 created by Marcus Garvey and Amy Ashwood Garvey; Published own The N world eng, french,spanish.
troy duster 2006
Race is n gene