Chap. 2: Intro to the Human Body Flashcards
anatomical position
(body? feet? palms? thumbs?)
- body erect
- feet are slightly apart
- palms facing up
- thumbs pointing away from body
prone anatomical position
lying face down
supine anatomical position
lying face up
regional names (5-list them and their functions)
- head (cephalic) - skull and face
- neck (cervical)
- trunk - chest, abdomen, pelvis, back
- upper limbs - shoulder, armpit, arm, forearm, wrist, hand
- lower limbs - buttocks, thigh, leg, ankle, foot
above something
below something
aka ventral: front of something
aka dorsal: behind something
closer attached to the trunk
farther attached from the trunk
towards the body’s longitudinal line
away from the body’s longitudinal line
directional terms (list them):
superior, inferior, anterior (ventral), posterior (dorsal), proximal, distal, medial, lateral
body planes (list them):
frontal (coronal), transverse, sagittal (median)
frontal plane
aka coronal: divides body into anterior and posterior parts
transverse plane
divides body into superior and interior
aka median: divides body into left and right
body cavities (5-list them and their functions):
- cranial cavity - brain
- vertebral cavity - spine
- thoracic cavity - chest (pleural cavity - lung; pericardial cavity - heart; mediastinum - traechia and bronchi)
- adminopelvic cavity (abdominal cavity - stomach, liver, kidneys; pelvic cavity - bladder, reproductive organs)
- diaphragm - the space that divides the superior and inferior trunks
subdivisions for the thoracic cavity:
- pleural cavity - lungs
- pericardial cavity - heart
- mediastinum - traechia and bronchi
subdivisions for the abdominopelvic cavity
- abdominal cavity - stomach, liver, kidneys
- pelvic cavity - bladder, reproductive organs
abdominopelvic quadrants
- right upper quadrant
- left upper quadrant
- right lower quadrant
- left lower quadrant
all of these quadrants are located with how anatomical position would be and look like
abdominopelvic regions
- right hypochondriac region
- epigastric region
- left hypochondriac region
- right lumbar region
- umbilical region
- left lumbar region
- right illac region
- hypogastric region
- left illac region
the condition of equilibrium (balance) in the body’s internal environment
feedback systems
a process whereby a change to the system results in an alarm which will trigger a certain result
- its a loop; a cycle of events - recepter->control center->effector
negative feedback systems (provide examples)
a feedback system that lessens/stops changes to hold a system to some equilibrium state to make it more stable
- ex: body temperature regulation, blood pressure, osmoregulation
positive feedback systems (provide examples)
a feedback system that enhances/amplifies changes to move a system away from its equilibrium state and make it more unstable
- ex: child birth, blood clotting, fruit ripening