Chaos and clues algorithm Flashcards
What lesions are ‘chaos and clues’ suitable for assessing
pigmented skin lesions
What kind of tool is ‘chaos and clues’
decisionmaking tool
what are the possible final decisions after applying ‘chaos and clues’
No intervention
What are the broad criteria that means biopsy in ‘chaos and clues’
chaos in lesion
at least 1 clue
Chaos and clues
- how do you define chaos
asymmetry of structure or color
Chaos and clues
- how do you analyse structure
revised pattern analysis
Chaos and clues - revised pattern analysis
- what are the 6 structures
- lines
- pseudopods
- circle
- clod
- dot
- structureless
Chaos and clues - revised pattern analysis
- what are the 5 types of lines
- reticular
- branched
- parallel
- radial
- curved
Chaos and clues - what is this structure
Chaos and clues - what is this structure
Chaos and clues - what is this structure
Chaos and clues - what is this structure
Chaos and clues - what is this structure
Chaos and clues - what type of line is this
reticular (network)
Chaos and clues - what type of line is this
Chaos and clues - what type of line is this
Chaos and clues - what type of line is this
Chaos and clues - what type of line is this
Chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - 2 broad elements in vessel pattern
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - 8 different structures
dots (A), clods (B), lines (C), looped (D), curved (E), serpentine (F), helical (G), coiled (H)
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - 8 different arrangements
random (A), clustered (B), serpiginous (C), linear (D), centred (E), radial (F), reticular (G), branched (H)
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this structure
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this structure
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this structure
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this structure
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this structure
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this structure
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this structure
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this structure
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this arrangement
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this arrangement
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this arrangement
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this arrangement
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this arrangement
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this arrangement
chaos and clues - blood vessel analysis - what is this arrangement
chaos and clues - color interpretation - this color indicates melanin in which skin layer
stratum corneum
chaos and clues - color interpretation - melanin in stratum corneum
chaos and clues - color interpretation - this color indicates melanin in which skin layer
dermo-epidermal junction
chaos and clues - color interpretation - this color indicates melanin in which skin layer
papillary dermis
chaos and clues - color interpretation - this color indicates melanin in which skin layer
reticular dermis
chaos and clues - color interpretation - this color indicates a mix of … and …
keratin and melanin
chaos and clues - color interpretation - this color indicates what skin component
chaos and clues - color interpretation - this color indicates .. or …
collagen or keratin deposition in stratum corneum
chaos and clues - color interpretation - this color indicates …
oxygenated blood
chaos and clues - color interpretation - this color indicates …
deoxygenated blood
chaos and clues - color interpretation - color of melanin in dermo-epidermal junction
chaos and clues - color interpretation - color of melanin in papillary dermis
chaos and clues - color interpretation - color of melanin in reticular dermis
chaos and clues - color interpretation - mix of keratin and melanin
chaos and clues - color interpretation - color of keratin
chaos and clues - color interpretation - color of collagen, keratin in stratum corneum
chaos and clues - color interpretation - oxygenated blood
chaos and clues - color interpretation - deoxygenated blood
chaos and clues - what are the 8 clues of malignancy
1 – eccentric structureless (blue),
2 – thick lines reticular (arrow),
3 – grey dots,
4 – black dots, peripheral,
5 – radial lines, segmental (arrow),
6 – white lines,
7 – polymorphous vessels,
8 – parallel ridge pattern
chaos and clues - what are polymorphous blood vessels
blood vessel pattern which shows more than 1 structure or arrangement
chaos and clues - malignancy clue in this image
eccentric structureless
chaos and clues - malignancy clue in this image
thick lines reticular
chaos and clues - malignancy clue in this image
grey dots
chaos and clues - malignancy clue in this image
peripheral black dots
chaos and clues - malignancy clue in this image
radial lines peripheral
chaos and clues - malignancy clue in this image
white lines
chaos and clues - malignancy clue in this image
polymorphous blood vessels
chaos and clues - malignancy clue in this image
parallel ridge pattern
chaos and clues - clues - what is a structureless zone
any zone of a lesion that isn’t skin colored but doesn’t fit with the other colors either
chaos and clues - structureless zones - location on lesion that suggests malignancy
any zone not in the center
chaos and clues - clues - when are reticular or branched zones suspicious
when the lines are thicker than the spaces they enclose
chaos and clues - what does ‘pagetoid spread’ mean
spreading of melanin filled melanocytes in superficial epidermis, usually dark black
chaos and clues - clues - when are radial lines benign vs sign of malignancy
benign - circumferential
malignant - segmental ie only parts have it
chaos and clues - melanoma clues - parallel ridging is associated with what skin gland
Melanin pigment that is concentrated on the broader ridges which are defined by the eccrine duct openings, is a clue to melanoma even in the absence of chaos