Changing economic world Flashcards
TNC winners
- TNCs make the most profit e.g. lineint policies from LICs / NEEs since government pay low wages
- national governmnet incvestment from TNCs so more money for investments or corruption
- creates jobs
- wealth for host country
- extreme poverty has fallen from 23% in 1993 to 8.3% in 2009
- bancosantander employs 50,000
TNCs losers
- employees exploited aince tehy are cheap labour and have lack of rights
- however better wages than farming e.g. 4% higher wages in bank santender
- inequality - men earn 50% more than women in jobs at TNCs
-statistiaclly men spend more on things liek cigarettes and alhahold which isnt benifitial to the household
-gaps between rich and poor
-rapid urbalisation as attraction to jobs
-destruction on rainforest - ## goverment invests money on subsidies instead on heathcare
pre 2000
Brazil’s trading with the US for nearly 80 years
after 2001
Welber Barral said total trade between brazil and china was amounted to £2.14 billion in april
devolution of power
gives additional power to councils in the north e.g. mayor for greater manchester was given £1 billion
fewer decisions about the city are made in London
however, despite the extra power 200,000 more northern children are living in poor households, number of jobs paying less than the living wage rose by 150,000
even though there was funding of power, quality of life didn’t increase
increased investment
improving connections between cities by improving transport links between northern and southern cities allowing easy commuting
allows cities to compete together instead of against each other
successful as figures have shown that transport spending has risen by more than twice as much per person
what is the northern powerhouse
The Northern Powerhouse is the government’s vision for a super-connected, globally-competitive northern economy with a flourishing private sector, a highly-skilled population, and world-renowned civic and business leadership.
north-south divide issues
shoert lives
health divide
1.2 M more deaths in the north than the south
particularly young men
high drug related death
prescribing drugs rather than services and counciling
north south divide causes
difficulty to admit problem
worse funsing in GPEs in north
job opportunities
lack of government funding
now that brexit has happened the UK is trying to establish a trade relationship with the EU
over 300 languages spoken in london schools alone
Turkish culture
immigration has lead to the UK being a multi-cultural country e.g. different restaurants, religions
UK’s economic and political links with the common wealth
UK maintians links through trade, culture and migration
many people of British descendant now live in the commonwealth countries like new zeland, austalia, canada
UK’s economic and political links with the EU
in 1973 the UK joined the EU allowing the free movement of people goods and services between members of the country
growing rural population
south cambrisgeshire
growing rural population south Cambridgeshire social chnages
- huge growth over last two decades since its a very desirable place to live for people who work in Cambridge
- population of 150,999 increasing due to counter urbilisation (retirement people above 65 29% by 2031
growing rural population south Cambridgeshire economic changes
- high level of employmen (21% in tech industries) as its a desirable place to work near
- house prices increased out pricing young people who panned to live their their entire lives because of large demand
- commuters use services where they work rather than live, damages local economy
declining rural populations
outer hebridies
declining rural populations outer Hebrides social chnages
-poplation declided by 50% since 1901, outward migration since there are limited opportunities for young people
- number of schools fallen making it harder for families to stay
UKs place in the wider world
- once was one of the most powerful political and trading nations
- british empire oce covered 1/3 of earths surface with colonies over the world
- these colonies gained independance around 20th century
- one of the worlds oldest political associations of states
- organisations help trade, womens leadership, building small buisness sectors
UK has influence through organisations such as
- UN
highly regarded for its democratic valuses, legal system, rich cultural heratige, valuses and fairness
uk and wider world
main partners are EU and USA and china
germany isleading pace of imports and USA is lwading place for exports
following brexit the UK is likely to form stronger trading links with china india and usa
intersnt is very importsant to UK buisnesses in the creative and financial sectors
uk and wider world
tv is one of the leading creative industries with 1.25 billion annuallye.g. doctor who
fasion music and film
festivals and cultural food
uk and wider world
teh uks strong trading history lef to development of ports and airports around teh worlds
linked to european mainland through the channel tunnel
feires e.g. dover
electronic communications
increases exposure of different cultures
world wide web british inventor tim berners-lee has transformed a global communicationd and trade
the uk’s politiacl and economic links with EU
- free flwo of goods, sevices between 28 members
- access to european development funds
- access to migrant labour force
- laws and regulations
- money
how has manufacturing encouranged economic development
- companies set up factories in brazil attracted by cheap labour and natural recouurses and ports that allow trade to other parts of the world, employ local resisents
- workers spend this money on goods and servies in the lcal ecnomy, they get 4% high wages than in agriculture in banko santander, chang of spending money on nessesities like food and shelyet to luxuries liek cinema improves quality of life
- due to this increase in avarage income, services eran more money from brazils growing population of 30 million
- governemnt recived more money in taxes from factories and service sectors so can spend more
- govermnet invests money to improve roads, infrastructure e.g. in 2019 bralil craeted 59 projects to help with transport links, more attractive for new firms to invest
role of a TNC
company that has factories in other countries
govermnet funding so a company sells for cheaper
e.g. aplle farmer paid to sell cheaper apples
trade block in south america
TNCs low wages
$6 per hour where fiat is based
make more profit as pay low salaires
TNCs raw materials
steel, rubber
dot pay to transport these materials so more profit
TNCs government policy
workers n low harsh consitions
linient policies suppourted by local government
TNCs brazils growing wealth
increased middle classes
more spending