Challenges & Solutions - Cognitive Disabilities, dyslexia, math disabilities Flashcards
ICT (Information and communication technology)
May find complex designs and tasks in digital format overwhelming (1 solution)
Create simple, predictable, organized designs and simplify user interface components
ICT (Information and communication technology)
May have difficulty solving technical problems or fixing errors
Ensure users are alerted to errors and provide clear solutions to fix errors
May have difficulty processing information, especially text-based information that uses complex language (2 solutions)
- Supplement text-based information with images and other visuals to reinforce understanding
- Use simple, easy-to-understand language when presenting text-based information
ICT (Information and communication technology)
Often perceive words as floating and not in a line. (2 solutions)
- Can use a special font developed for Dyslexia which weights the letters down and makes similar figures appear differently
- May be granted additional time to complete tasks
ICT (Information and communication technology)
Often perceive words differently than others such as seeing p b d q as the same letter (2 solutions)
- Can change the font, contrast or add an underline to text to keep words in line
- May be granted additional time to complete tasks
ICT (Information and communication technology)
Often require additional time to read and process content (6 solutions)
- Can extend time outs and return to the same location on the page.
- Can use a screen reader to get content in an auditory method to reinforce what is being seen
- Can use screen readers which highlight the word or phrase being read to assist with tracking.
- Can use enhance visible focus indicators to keep track of their position on the page.
- Can use special programs or dictionaries which present words with pictures
- May be granted additional time to complete tasks
ICT (Information and communication technology)
Often have the burden of deciphering content from the way it is presented.
May apply a custom style sheet
ICT (Information and communication technology)
May have difficulty solving problems presented through security features such as CAPTCHA (1 solution)
Ability to change the type of problem presented
ICT (Information and communication technology)
May have difficulty processing content through visual means (2 solutions)
- Can use a screen reader to get content in an auditory method to reinforce what is being seen
- May be granted additional time to complete tasks
ICT (Information and communication technology)
May have a hard time spelling words correctly (1 solution)
- Can use a spelling and grammar checker
ICT (Information and communication technology)
Inability to distinguish right from left in graphic images (2 solutions)
- Can read data in a data table or text description as an alternative to graphic representations of data when an alternative is provided.
- May be granted additional time to complete tasks
ICT (Information and communication technology)
Inability to copy/understand graphs, figures and diagrams, makes it difficult to complete a task (3 solutions)
- Speech-to-text assistive technology, to make your own speech to text.
- Text-to-speech assistive technology - converting written text into spoken words
- May be granted additional time to complete tasks
ICT (Information and communication technology)
Inability to perform calculations (3 solutions)
- Can use an accessibility accommodation link to a reference sheet with common equations when provided
- Can use an onscreen calculator as an accommodation
- May be granted additional time to complete tasks