challenges in service provision for older people Flashcards
What is the 2011 census?
56.1M people
16.4% people are >65 so 1:6
430000 people >90
What are demographic population changes?
Increase in older people People living longer- ~Med intervention and treatment ~Better social conditions ~Improvements in public health Women live longer than men Baby boomers of 1940s and 1960s
What are the predictions for 2033 and beyond?
23% will be >65
>3.2M will be 85+
2050- working:retired = 2:1
What are frail older adult demographics?
11M disabled adults
1.2M wheelchair users
78% >85 have disability
5-8% older adults live in care
How are older peoples teeth?
Old and very old- largely edentulous PLASTIC TOOTH GEN
Entering old age- Have most natural teeth but requires heavy maintenance HEAVY METAL GEN
Future old- middle age, good oral health, cosmetic, WHITE TOOTH GEN
What are the influences on ageing?
Genetic/environmental Lifestyle Illness/disability effect Meds effect Personality Psychiatric history Independence level- mobility, daily activity
What is the oral status of older people?
Increasing nos of dentists More concerned w retaining teeth More likely to attend regularly Greater expectations Greater awareness More frail/functionally dependent
What does the National Diet and Nutrition Survey 1999 say about oral health over 65s?
Institutionalised vs free living
Institutionalised- less teeth, more unsound teeth, more root caries and more heavy plaque deposits
What does the National Service Framework 2001 say about older people?
Set national standards of care Person-centred care- single assessment process (inc. oral) Rooting out age discrimination Promote health and independence Fit services around needs
What did the Oral Healthcare for Older People 2003 BDA paper say?
2020 vision
21 recommendations
Some achieved others not
What barriers to dental care are there for frail older adults?
Medical problems Drug interactions Ability to understand/tolerate treatment Financial Access Low expectations Acceptance of loss of function and pain
What benefits to dental care are there for frail older adults?
Improve eating/speech/appearance
Decrease pain
Reduce social isolation
Poor mastication- poor restricted diet?
What are conditions affecting independence?
Cardiovascular Respiratory Malignancy Musculoskeletal Endocrine Neurological Mental health Lifestyle factors
What are common oral health problems?
Tooth loss/replacement Tooth swear Collapsing/failing/terminal dentition Dry mouth Compromised self care due to disability
What are problems w tooth loss and replacement?
Less edentulous No previous denture experience Later in life-less able to learn High expectations Greater challenge
What problems are there w tooth wear?
Reduced face height Pulp deaths Sensitivity Aesthetics Sharp to tongue Brittle Difficult extractions
What is a collapsing/failing/terminal dentition?
Multiple abscesses Compromised treatment plan Balance symptoms vs frailty Pain/no pain Past sell by date? (Teeth)
What are problems w dry mouth?
Med/age associated Difficult to wear dentures Root caries Difficult mastication Difficulty speaking Soreness/ulcers Lack of appetite
What are problems w perio disease?
Multiple abscesses Bleeding gums Mobility Pain Halitosis Aesthetics
What is the shorted dental arch concept?
20-50- optimal 12 occluding
40-80- suboptimal 10 occluding
70-?- minimal 8 occluding
What are treatment challenges in the community?
Accessing those not seen by dentist Assessments and screening Treatment planning Patient management Treatment
How can the elderly access services?
Raise awareness- via carers/GPs/GDPs/healthcare workers etc
GDPs going to care homes ROCS (residential oral care in Sheffield)
How is assessment and screening undertaken?
Assessment ms of referrals from home
Screening of medium/long stay units
Screening of homes
What does treatment planning involve?
Immediate treatment needs Multidisciplinary Maintenance of quality standards Repair not replace Informed consent Evaluate provisional treatment plan Maintain oral hygiene Simple patient specific
What does patient management involve?
Well trained and capable staff support Contact w outside agencies Organisation of transport Moving and handling Senior colleagues
How is treatment undertaken?
Simple- at home w portable equipment
Complex- in surgery
What are some specialised equipment?
Ambulance service Wheelchair tipper Bariatric chair Hoist Support cushion