Chakras Flashcards
Chakra is Sanskrit for…
wheel, disc or any circular form of arrangement
What is a chakra?
A life force that emanates from the body. It is an intersection of energy points in the body
How many main chakras are there?
There are seven chakras
the central energy channel that runs from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
First chakra
Lam - Red - Muladhara (Root) - survival, stability, self-sufficiency
Second chakra
Va - Orange - Svadhistana (Sweetness) Sacral - sexuality, creativity, relationships and emotions
Third chakra
Ram - Yellow - Manipura (Lustrous Gem) Solar Plexus, Naval) - personal power, self esteem, willfulness and energy
Fourth chakra
Yam - Green - Anahata (unstruck) Heart, love, compassion, acceptance, and trust
Fifth chakra
Ha - Bright Blue - Vishuddha (purification) Throat, communication, inspiration, expression, and faith
Sixth chakra
Am - Indigo Blue - Ajna (to perceive) Brow - psychic, emotional and mental intelligence, and intuition
Seventh chakra
Om - White/Violet - Sahasrara (thousand petaled) Crown - devotion, inspiration, selflessness, and spiritual understanding
Chakras of manifestation
First 2 chakras
Chakras of relationship
3rd and 4th chakras
Chakras of communication
The upper 3 chakras
chakras of feminine energies of relaxation and expansion
even numbered chakras 2, 4, 6 (pelvis, heart, third eye)
chakras of masculine energies of applying our free will in the world, asserting our rights to have, to ask, to speak, to know.
odd numbered chakras 1, 3, 5, 7 (legs, feet, solar plexus, throat and crown of head)