Ch.9 part II Flashcards
Excitation-contraction coupling
- mechanism by which an action potential causes contraction of a muscle fiber
- involves sarcolemma, T tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum, Ca 2+ and troponin
T tubules
-action potential enters into cell here, which triggers Ca 2+ gated channels to open
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
-enlarges due to the lumen of the t tubule being filled with extracellular fluid to form terminal cisternae
Terminal cisternae
-enlarged portion of sarcoplasmic reticulum
-t tubule and two adjacent terminal cisternae
Cross bridge cycling
- the process by which each myosin molecule undergoes the cycle of cross bridge formation, movement, release, and return to original position
- requires ATP
Power stroke
- myosin heads move actin with every ATP that is added
- several power strokes happen with every action potential
Recovery stroke
-happens when myosin head returns to resting place and awaits for next ATP to start another power stroke
Muscle twitch phase
- a single, brief contraction and relaxation cycle in a muscle fiber
- consists of a lag phase, contraction phase, and relaxation phase
- does not last long enough or generate enough tension to perform any work
Lag phase
-time between action potential coming from nerve and the Ca 2+ actually bindin with troponin
Contraction phase
-maximum contraction happens when actin molecules meet within a sacromere
Relaxation phase
-Ca 2+ pops off of troponin, tropomyosin covers active sites which makes myosin release from actin, titin pushes actin apart to equilibrium, complete contraction back to resting place
Motor unit
- one nerve coming in will have a set of muscle fibers
- not all fibers are signalled at once (axons only innervate a few fibers)
- the finer the movement, the fewer fibers that are innervated
Motot unit response
-treppe, multiple motor unit summation, multiple wave summation, tetanus
-involves increasing the force of contraction of the muscle fibers within the muscle
-involves increasing the number of muscle fibers contracting
- when a rested muscle is stimulated repeatedly with maximal stimuli at a low frequency (which allows complete relaxation between stimuli)
- second contraction produces a slightly greater tension and the third contraction produces even greater tension until equilibrium is reached
- stimulus is maximal but delivered at low frequency
Multiple motor unit summation
-the relationship between increased stimulus strength and an increased number of contracting motor units