Ch.8 Kinship and Marriage Terms Flashcards
affinal kin
relatives created through marriage
ambilineal descent
a type of cognatic descent system in which individuals choose a lineage upon adulthood (often marked by marriage)
bilateral descent
a type of cognatic descent system that traces relatedness equally through both the mother’s and father’s lines
a duty of the groom to work for the bride’s kin for a certain period of time before or after marriage
bridewealth (brideprice)
an amount of money, possessions, or property given by the groom and his kin to the wife and her kin before, at, or after the wedding
cognatic (nonunilineal) descent
a system of descent that reckons identity through both maternal and paternal ancestors
consanguineal kin
relatives related by birth
cross-cousin marriage
a preference for marriage between cross cousins. A cross cousin is the child of one’s mother’s brother or father’s sister
a social rule that assigns identity to a person based on his or her ancestry
the practice of a bride’s family providing resources, wealth, or gifts to the groom and his family upon marriage
dual descent
a form of unilineal descent in which descent is traced through both the mother’s and fathers’s lines. The person belongs to two separate families
fictive kinship
kinship relationships that are real but not based on marriage or descent
incest taboo
prohibition against marriage or sex between two categories of related persons
the ways in which people selectively interpret the common human experiences of reproduction and nurturance
a publicly recognized social or legal union that created a socially sanctioned context for sexual intimacy, establishes (in whole or in part) the parentage of children, and creates kinship
marriage exchange
the practice of exchanging material resources between families before, at, or after a wedding
social rule by woman
matrilineal descent
a form of unilineal descent in which descent is traced through the female line
the idea that only one parent (usually the father) creates life
neolocal residence
the practice of a newly married couple living separate from both partner’s parents
parallel-cousin marriage
a preference for marriage between parallel cousins.
A parallel cousin is the child of one’s parent’s same-sex sibling (mother’s sister’s child or father’s brother’s child)
social rule by men
patrilineal descent
a form of unilinear descent in which descent is traced through the male line
the marriage of one women to two or more husbands
polygamy (plural marriage)
a form of marriage in which one person is married to two or more other persons
the marriage of one man to two or more wives
priority of the firstborn
a faction within a lineage
the practice of referring to adults with children as the mother/father of the child in place of the parent’s given name
unilineal descent
a descent system that traces relatedness exclusively or predominantly through one parent
uxorilocal residence
the practice of a newly married couple living with or near the bride’s family