Ch.5 Gender and Sexuality Terms Flashcards
a gender status in the Philippines that involves a natal man dressed as a woman
- a natal man who dressed as a woman, or a man born with ambiguous genitals
- this ancient social role in the Philippines was understood to result in specialized access to spiritual power
a long garment covering every bit of a woman’s body, including her eyes
female circumcision
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
a cultural practice that involves removal of part or all of a girl’s genitalia and may involve the surgical closer of her vagina until she is married
what it means to be male or female in a particular culture
gender role
a set of expectations regarding proper behavior and appearance for a particular gender
gender socialization
the process of learning how to act according to the gender norms of a culture
gender status
- a position a person can occupy in the social order that is directly related to maleness or femaleness
- usually ascribed
- English-language gender statuses are girl, boy, man, and women
people born with ambiguous genitals due to a variety of biological conditions
kula ring
an exchange system around the chain of Trobriand Islands
the seclusion of women from public view
a popular Catholic tradition of Mexico involving a ritual passage of a girl from childhood to adulthood
sex (sex dimorphism)
biological maleness or femaleness, usually given at birth
sexual culture
the system of cultural meanings about sexuality and the social practices of sexuality
sexual identity
an element of some sexual cultures, the intentional sense of having a sexual desire around which your social identity is built
sexual life way
a culturally constructed expression of sexuality and gender roles
includes biological sex, but also refers to human sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
third gender
a gender other than man or woman
two-spirit (berdache)
a Native American social role in which a person dressed as the other gender and performed the work of the opposite gender or both genders