Ch.6 Flashcards
The process of devising strategies for classifying subject can by categories to represent variable concepts
Quantitative research
Research focused on variables including their description and relationships
Qualitative research
Research focused on the interpretation of the actor of, or representation of meaning created by individual cases
A specific way of sorting units of analysis into categories
The process of specifying what particular indicators one will use for a variable
Observations that we think reflect the presence or absence of the phenomenon to which a concept refers
A composite measure that is constructed by adding scores from several indicators
Composite measures
Measures with more than one indicator.
An index in which some items are given more weight than others in determining the final measure of a concept
Visual analysis
A set of techniques used to analyze images
Assigning observations to categories
The capacity of a variable’s categories to permit the classification of every unit of analysis
Mutually exclusive
The capacity of a variable’s categories to permit the classification of each unit of analysis into one and only one category
Measurement error
The kind of error that occurs when the measurement we obtain is not an accurate portrayal of what we tired to measure
The degree to which a measure yields consistent results
The degree to which a measure taps what we think it’s measuring
Test-retest method
A method of checking the reliability of a test that involves comparing its results ,using the same subjects at a Lester time
Internal consistency method
A method that relies on making more than one measure of a phenomenon at essentially the same time
Inter observer (or inter-rather) reliability method
A way of checking the relatability of a measurement strategy by comparing results obtained by one observer with results obtained by another using exactly the same method
Alternate forms method
A way of checking the reliability of s measurement strategy by comparing its results with those obtained using a measurement the same variable
Face validity
A test for validity that I lived the judgement of everyday people like you and me
Content validity
A test for validity that involves the judgement of experts in field
Predictive criterion validity
A method that involves establishing how well the ensure predicts future behaviors you’d expect it to be associated with
Concurrent criterion validity
How well a measure is associated with behaviors it should be associated at the present time
Construct validity
How well s measure of a concept is associated with a measure of another concept that some theory says the concept should be associated with
The ability of system of measurement to identify correctly those who have a condition of concern
The ability of a system of measurement to identify correctly those who do not have a condition of concern
Nominal level variables
Variables whose categories have names
Ordinal level variables
Variables whose categories have makes and whose categories can be rank ordered in some sensible way
Interval level variables
Are those who categories have names , whose categories can be rank orders in some sensible way.
Ratio level variables
Whose categories have names whose categories may be rank ordered in some sensible way whose adjacent categories are standard distance from one another and one of whose categories is an absolute zero point at which there is a complete absence of the phenomenon on question
Is simply the category that occurs most frequently.
Is defined as the sum of a set of values divided by the number of values
Defined as the middle value , when all values are arranged in order