Ch5 change 8 (limits) Flashcards
Max a/s with cargo hooks up to 8000lbs?
shall not exceed _kts with loads greater than 8000lbs and a corresponding gross weight greater than __lbs.
_kts oei
_kts autorotation at gross weight of 16825lbs
_kts max a/s for auto at a gross weight of 16825lbs or more.
Max a/s with cargo hooks up to 8000lbs? 140kias.
shall not exceed 120kias with loads greater than 8000lbs and a corresponding gross weight greater than 22000 lbs.
130_kts oei
150_kts autorotation at gross weight of 16825lbs
130_kts max a/s for auto at a gross weight of 16825lbs or more.
Np 12 sec transient _ Transient __ Continuous __ Transient __
Hovering turns greater than _ are prohibited. Intentional maneuvers beyond attitudes of +-_ in pitch or _% in roll are prohibited.
simultaneous moving of both ____levers to ___ or ___ (throttle chop) are ____.
rearward ground taxi is ____?
_ cabin doors open
up to _ gunners window fully open
flight with cockpit doors removed is _____?
Cabin doors open _____ _____ with volcano
145_ cabin doors open
up to 170_ gunners window fully open
flight with cockpit doors removed is _prohibited_?
Cabin doors open not_ _auhthorized with volcano installed
Maneuvering with sling loads:
_degrees in fwd flight
rearward flight _kias.
30 degrees
35 kias
APU operating limits:
_ and above with eng and rotor operating limited to _.
continuously eng/rotor not operating up to _.
if APU oil is hot, wait _ before checking oil.
43c 30min
hovering winds greater than _kts(_with ess) is __. Side/rear flight into wind, when combined with wind speed, shall not exceed _kts (_ with ess)
hovering winds greater than 45kts (35with ess) is prohibited. Side/rear flight into wind, when combined with wind speed, shall not exceed 45kts (35kts with ess)
Manual stab only by maintenance or in?
prolonged rearward flight and downward hovering are to be avoided to prevent?
Exhaust fumes in the helo
heat damage to windows on open cargo doors
Pneumatic source limits:
Min ground-air source req’d to start is _psi _ppm at__c.
max ground _psi __c
Fuel limits and displays:
normal >200 each tank
precautionary 0-200 either tank
1hyd inop
inop in imc
Gust lock limits w/o rotor brake
Operating eng against gust lock is ___?
Rotor brake shall not be applied with engin(s)operating and rotor turning except during an emergency stop.
___NR is max rotor speed for rotor brake ops.
___psi for eng start
___psi max for eng start
Use of RB with eng(s) operating is restricted to ___ and __ starts and ops at __ only.
__ and ___ starts and operation at ___ with rotor brake on are not time limited
Crossbleed starts ___ ___ be attempted unless _____________ or _______ advisory does not appear, and operating engine must be at__ or above and rotor speed at __?
_ max capacity for each storage compartment
_ capacity for four cabin tiedowns
_ capacity for 17tiedowns
_ capacity for eight net restraints
125lbs_ max capacity for each storage compartment
4000lbs_ capacity for four cabin ceiling tie-downs
5000lbs_ capacity for 17 tie downs (any direction)
3500lbs_ capacity for eight net restraints (any direction)
TGT limits and displays
Xmsn oil temp lim and display:
Precautionary 105 to 140
continuous -20 to 105
Eng oil displays
Continuous Temp
_ min limit temp
Idle press
_ min limit press
Continuous Temp -20 to 135
30min Limit temp 135 to 150
Idle press 22 to 26
Normal 26 to 100
5min limit 100 to 120
UH60 external lift-
ESSS Ferry with awr
external lift missions above __lbs can only be flown with cargo loads above __lbs and up to __lbs.
max weight further limited by cargo floor capacity of _ftlbs
Uh60- 22000lbs
UH60 external lift- 23500lbs
ESSS Ferry with awr- 24500
external lift missions above 22000_lbs can only be flown with cargo loads above 8000_lbs and up to 9000_lbs.
max weight further limited by cargo floor capacity of _300lbs
bft norm temp range
Cargo hook weight limitations
Backup pump hot weather
Temp Operating time Cool down
-54 to 32
33 to 38
39 to 52
Max landing light airspeed:
must be extended by _
extended _
Searchlight max:
must be extended by _
airspeed when searchlight is extended _
_ autorotation with volcano
_ with skis
Max landing light airspeed:
must be extended by _130
extended _180
Searchlight max:
must be extended by _100
airspeed when searchlight is extended _180
_100 autorotation with volcano
_155 with skis
Flight into icing conditions req for trace/light ice
Jp4 used when/how?
Use fuel boost pumps:
5000’ and above
anytime crossfeed
Restarted in 2hrs of eng shutdown and temp above 21c. Min of 2min ground at 100% NR prior to takeoff to purge possible hot fuel from engine nacelle area.
Up to 16825lbs
above 16825
max touchdown airspeed?
60kias max touchdown
Engine starter limitations
Eng over speed check limitations
eng overspeed check in flight is ___.
eng over speed checks, on ground, are authorized by?
designated maintenance personnel only
Autorotate max speed __
afcs fail:
_ full down
_set to 0
Autorotate max speed 120_
afcs fail:
40kias and below_ full down
above 40 kias_set to 0
Xmsn oil p limits and displays:
idle and transient
Precautionary 65-130psi
continuous 30-65psi
idle and transient 20-30psi
1 sas inop
2 sas inop
2 sas imc
Slope Landings:
_nose up, right wheel up left wheel up. Further reduce _ for every _kts of wind.
_nose down in winds greater than _ shall not be conducted.
the main gearbox can be operated up to _min at a timewith with press fluctuations when the helo is known to be at a nose up attitude.
Above __avoid abrupt, full pedal inputs to prevent excess tail rotor system loading.
bank angles need to be limited to _ when a prim servo caution appears.