ch4:physical development Flashcards
when does the brain grow most rapidly
during the first 2 years of life
what parts of the brain are the most fully developped?
Midbrain and medulla
what functions does the midbrain and medulla control?
• Hear rate, Respiration ,attention sleep &wake , Elimantion, Move head and neck
what part of the brain is the least developped?
The cerebral cortex
what functions does The cerebral cortex control?
Perception, thinking lanbuage
when and in what intervals a person goes through growth spurts
One month intervals until 5 months
after 5 months when are the growth spurts?
• Spurts at 8, 12, and 20 months
what growth spurts are associated with middle childhood growth spurts?
with improved eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills
what part of the brains do 10-12 year olds growth??
• 10–12 year olds have growth in frontal lobes
what part of the brain do 13-15 year olds have growth?
• 13–15 year olds have growth in spatial and motor areas
what part of the brain do 17 year olds have growth?
17-year olds have growth in frontal lobes that are associated with logic and planning
many spurts are localized, what does this mean?
Different areas of the brain develop at defferent times
the process of synapse formation
chemicals that accomplish the transmission of signals from one neuron to another at synapse
the process of eliminating unused synapses
the ability of the brain to change in response to experience
when is the most rapid formation of snapses?
• Rapid occurrence during the first years afer birth
when does the brain tripple in size?
by age 2
What is the brain Both processes heavily dependent on experiences?
- Fllows”use it or lose it” drictum
- Young brains more vulnerable but quicker to recover
- Early flexibility allows children to adapt to environment better
the porcess by which an insulating layer of a suvstance called myelin is added to neurons
reticular formation
the part of the brian that regulates attention
association areas
parts of the brain where,sensory,motor, and intellectual functions are linked
a brain structure that is involved in the transfer of information ot long-term memory
when is the rapid growth of myelination
rapid (But not done) during first 2 years
Cephalocaudal pattern of development
development from the head down to the feet
proximodistal pattern of development
development from the feet to the head
what function is fully developed by age 2
what funtion is fully developed by age 4
motor skills
what is the first phase of weight/height gain?
first 2 years
height gain 10-12 inches
weight gain: body tripling in the first year
what is the second phase of weight/height gain?
from age 2 adds 2-3 inches and 6 pounds a year until adolescents
what is the third phase of weight/height gain?
adolescent growth spurt. 3-6 every year for several years, longer in boys
corpus corpus callosum
the structure that connects the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex
the process through which brain functions are dived between the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex
spatial perception
the ability to idnetify and act on relationships of objects in space; in most people, this skill is lateralized to the right cerebral hemishpere
relative right-left orientation
the ability to identify rihgt and left from multile perspectives
spatial cognition
the ability to infer rules from and make predications about the movement of objects in space
a strong preference for using primarily one hand or the other; it develops between 3-5 years of age
pituitary gland
gland that provides the trigger for relase of hormones form other glands
Adrenal androgen
signals puberty
Gonadatrophic hormones.
hormones secreted by the pituitary gland at the begining of puberty that stimulate the development of glands in the testes and ovaries which then being to secrete testosterone or estrogen
endocrine glands
glands (including the adrenals, the thyroid, the pituitary, and the ovaries) that secrete hormones governing overlal physical gorwth and sexual maturing
primary sex characteristics
development of testies and ovaries
secondary sex characteristics
development of breasts in girls, development in beard and lowering of voice in boys, pubic hair in both
what is the sequence of physical sex characteristic development in girls?
development of pubic hair and breast, growth spurt fallows, menarche after two year
secular trend
a pattern of change in some characteristic over several cohorts, such as systematic changes in the average timing of menarch or in average height or weight
is it possible to concive after first menarche
yes but only 30% of girls are ovualating, another 80% ovualte after two years of birth
when are boys able to reach fertility
as early as 12 to as late as 16
stage 1 of female breast development/male genital developmet
female: no change except for some evlation of the nipple
boys testes,scrotum, and penis are all about the same size and shape as in early childhood
stage 2 of breast development/male genital development
girls: Breast bud stage: elevation of breast and the nipple as a small mound. Areolar diamter increases compared to stage 1
boys: Scrotum and testes are slightly enlarged. Skin of the scotum reddens and changes texture, but little or no enlargment of the penis
stage 3 of breast developemnt/male genital development
girls: breast and areola both enlarged and elevated more than in stage 2, but no seperation of their contours
boys: Penis slightly enlarged, at first mainly in length. Testes and scrotum are further enlarged.
stage 4 of breast development/ male genitial development
girls: areola and nipple form a second mound projecting above the contour of the breast
boys: penis further enlarged, with growth in breadth and development of glans. Testes and scrotum further enlarged and scrotum skin still darker
stage 5 of breast development/ male genital development
girls : mature stage, only the nipple projects, with the areola reessed to the general contour of the breast
boys: genitallia acieve adult sixe and shape
a girl who achieves early puberty what are the concerns?
Early maturing girls develop and endomorphic type that is osmewhat undesirable • Suffer more negative body image • Get into more trouble in school • Engage in delinquent behavior • Experience more depression • Get into bad peer groups • Abuse substances
a boy who achieves early puberty, what are the outcomes?
Early maturing boys devlop a mesomorphic body type that is culturally admiired • Have positive body image • Leadership roles (confidence) • Does better in shcoo (adut success) • Get in less toruble and more friends • Substance abuse? • Can be more hostile and aggressive
in 1998 what percentage of male and females teans (15-19) reported having sex at least once in their lives?
1988( 60% male, 51% females)
in 2008 what percentage of male and female teans (15-19) reported having sex?
2008(43 males, 42% feamles
what is the risk of having multiple sexual partners?
• Leads to increase in STIs and STDs
what are some of the social factors that lead in adolescant sexual behaviour?
- Poor neighborhoods
- Less adult monitoring
- More liekly to use alcohol
- Many abused/ neglect in early childhood
- Early menarche, early dating
- Sometimes history of sexual abuse
- Positive correlation between # of risk factors and likehood of being sexaully active
what is the goal of sex education
to decrease sexual activity and to increase protection against disease and pregnancy
the pattern and rate of growht exihibited by a child over time
in the one of several “soft spots”in the skull that are present at birth but disappear when bones of the skull grow together
the porcess of hardnening by which soft tissues becomes bone
bone age
a measure of physical maturation based on x-ray examination of bones, typically the wrist and hand bones. Two children of the same chronological age may have different bone age because their rate of physical maturation differ.