Ch3:birth Flashcards
- Drugs during Labor and Delivery
- Systemic Analgesics: Tylenol (acetominophen)
- Local Anesthesia (emergencies)
- General Anesthesia
• Regional Analgesia
- Epidural block
* 60% U.S
Lamaze method
- Take a deap 6 count breath
- Relase for 6 counts
- Reapeat
what percentage of birth occur in hospitital
what does the fathers presence do at the birth?
- Less pain
- Less meds
- Faster delivery
- Fewer Complications
Stage 1: Dialation and Effacement
Latent phase: contractions are relatively far apart and are not very uncomfortable
Active phase: dilation of the cervix from 3–4 centimeters
Stage 2: Birth of the baby
Usually head first, face down
Breech Presentation: Feet or buttocks firs
Stage 3
delivery of the umbilica cord and placenta (afterbirth
what are the three stages of birth?
stage 1 : dialation and effacement , stage 2: birth of baby, stage 3: umbilical and placenta
what are the most common Birth Complications
Anoxia(umbilical cord callapes or is pinched= decrease in blood oxygen, TIME is critical
• Loss of oxygen immediately surrounding birth
• Cerebral palsy, mental retardation
Apgar Scale
- Done at birth and then 5 minutes later
- At 5 minutes 85-90% score 9 or 19(10-max)
Less than 4+ meidcal intervention requir
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale
- Tracks development over 2 weeks
- Looking for CNS function (responses to stimuli and refleces
- Sometimes the parents need to be trained
what is the optimal birth weight?
3,000 to 5,000 grams (6.6 to 11 pounds)
Low Birth Weight
(Below 2,5000 graws or 5.5 pounds) Close to 1005S survival
VLBW(very low birth weight)
1500 g/3.3 lb
ELBW ( extremely low birth weight)
1000 g/ 2.2
is there gender differences among development of LBW babies
yes lbw girls develoment better than LBW boys
born before week 38
what are the causes of preterm infants?
mom who smokes, malnutrition
Respiratory distress syndrome
Lungs lack a chemical to stay inflate
Developmental nursursey
very dark, quite, because central nervous systems is so imature
Adaptive Reflexes
Disappear during first year of life
• Help survival
• Sucking
• Swallowing
• Rooting: akaa stroking the cheek and baby turns towards it
• Weak or absent reflexes warn of possible neuronal development problems
Primitive Reflexes
- Controlled by the medulla and midbrain
- Disappearance of these reflexes should occur by 6 to 8 months
- Persistence indicate neurological problems
how much time do neonates sleep?
about 90% of the time
when do babies begin to sleep through the night?
by about 8 weeks and can sleep for 3-5 hours
how long does a 6 month old sleep?
14 hours per day, 8-10 hours a night
how much do neonates cry?
-2% to 11% of the day spent crying
when does crying increase?
2-3 hrs/day at 6 weeks
when does crying decrease?
1hr/day by 3 months
- Persistent and often inconsolable cring, totaling more than 3 hours per day
- 15-20% of infants
- Appear around 2 weeks
Disappers at 3-4 ,pmtjs
development proceeds from head to toe
Development process fromm trunk out towards th efing
Inborn predispositions that form foundations of personality
what three temperament did Thomas and Chess ?
Easy child, slow to warm up child, difficult child
what percentage of babies were easy child?
what percentage of baibes were difficult childs?
what percentage of babies were slpw tp war up childs?
how is breast feading superior nutrionally?
- Contributes to more rapid weight gain and size
- Less likely to suffer from coomon illnesses
- Stimulates better immune system functioning
- May not be possible for all mothers
- Diarrhea, colic,
how can bottle-feading compare to breastfeading?
- Can be high quality
- Special needs formulas availibel
- Baabies can be held and cuddled in the same way aas breastfed babies
- Infant social reactions are identical to breastfed babies
when should you introduce solid foods to your infant?
• Should start between 4-5 months
what should be the first food you introduce to your baby?
rice cereal with iron
ate what rate should you introduce new foods to your baby?
no more than 1 new food a week
Well Baby Care
Motor skills assed by doctor
why is diarhea common and why can it be deadly?
- Worldwide-common and deadly
- 3.5 million infants and chidren each year
- Vitrually all deaths could be prevented with fluids
how many colds does a baby get in there first year of life?
7 colds
Ear infections(Ottis Media)
• Inflammation of middle ear caused by bacterial infection
Parents should not ignore chornic OM, because…..? It could effect hearing
Sudden Infant Deaht Syndrome (SIDS)
- Apparently healthy baby dies suddenly
- More common in babies with apnea
- More frequen in baibes who sleep on their stomachs ]
Higher risk if mother smokes during pregancy or anyone smokes in the home ater birth