Ch3 Downward draining herbs: purgatives Flashcards
Downward draining herbs are divided into what categories?
Purgatives (bitter cold, - interior excess) Moist laxatives - mostly nuts and seeds to lubricate intestines Harsh expellants (cathartics) - induce diarrhea, some are also diuretics
Da Huang ***
“Big yellow”
(rhubarb root and rhizome)
Bitter, cold, 3-15g
Enters HT, LI, LV, ST
(most important purgative) Drains heat and purges accumulations - for constipation with heat (maybe fever too); Drains fire; Clears heat, transforms dampness, and promotes urination; Drains blood heat; Invigorates blood and dispels stasis, stops bleeding; Clears heat and reduces fire toxicity
Da Huang *** preparation methods and uses
decoct near end or boil separately for strong purgative effect
Sheng Da Huang - fresh, barely cooked in preparation, very strong at purging
Powdered form is already cooked, more mild
cooked - better for blood stasis than fresh because moving but not as strongly purging
Shu Da Huang - steamed, for damp-heat
Jiu Xi Da Huang - wine washed, 1/2 between Shu and Sheng preparation
Cu Da Huang - Vinegar, focus on blood ( bleeding and stasis)
Da Huang Tan - charred, for bleeding”
Da Huang Cautions
injures the Stomach Qi, not for use with weak stomach. Also avoid with Qi or blood deficiency. Use with great caution during menstruation, pregnancy, or lactation
Da Huang toxicity
Over dose can cause toxic reaction, especially with fresh herb. Sx diarrhea, N/V, dizziness, abdominal colic, and jaundice. Long term use can cause severe damage to LI, cirrhosis of LV, and d/o of electrolytes.
Da Huang with Mang Xiao
To remove pathogenic heat from ST & Intestines with constipation
Da Huang with Gui Zhi
For combined interior/exterior heat –> sweating & purging together
Da Huang with Sheng Di Huang
Together for blazing fire in HT & ST with bleeding & rebellion of Qi. Can also use for empty heat if Sheng Di Huang is primary
Mang Xiao ***
“Long (mineral)”
(mineral salt, sodium sulfate decahydrate)
Acrid, bitter, salty, very cold, 6-18g
Enters ST, LI
Da Huang’s helper; Purges accumulations and guides out stagnation (constipation, phlegm/clumping, lactation); Clears heat and drains fire; Clears heat and reduces swelling
Mang Xiao cautions
not for use in cases of cold from ST/SP xu. Not for pregnancy
Mang Xiao Vs Da Huang
Mang Xiao clears intestines of hardness
Fan Xie Ye **
“Foreign purge leaf”
(Senna leaf)
Sweet, bitter, cold, 1.3-3g (mild) or 4.5-9g (strong)
Enters LI
Drains downward and guides out stagnation
Fan Xie Ye preparation
usually taken as tea
if decocted add at very end
Fan Xie Ye with Chen Pi
Used to restore normal bowel movements. Drain downward and regulate Qi movement, protecting/harmonizing SP/ST
Lu Hui **
Bitter, cold (mild), 1.5-4.5g
Enters LI, LV, ST
Drains fire and guides out accumulations; Clears heat and cools the LV; Kills parasites and strengthens the ST (Childhood malnutrition)
Lu Hui cautions
not for use in cases of cold from xu of SP/ST. Not for use during pregnancy
Lu Hui Vs Fan Xie Ye
Lu Hui best for constipation from LV heat or abdominal parasites
Fan Xie Ye best for ascites and for food stagnation
Both need to be used in small doses.