Ch2 Herbs that clear heat from deficiency Flashcards
Common indications of herbs that clear heat from deficiency?
Clear heat from deficiency Steaming bone disorder Tidal fever/afternoon fever Heat in palms and soles of feet Night sweating Thin, rapid pulse Red tongue, sparse coating generally effect LV KD
Qing Hao ***
“blue (rising up/ascending hill)”
(sweet wormwood)
Bitter, acrid, cold, 6-12g
Enters KD, LV, GB
Clears summerheat, Clears fever from deficiency (hot at night, cool in morning, for low grade fever w/residual heat in the body), cools the blood and stops bleeding, Checks malarial d/o and resolves heat
Bai Wei **
“ White (a kind flower)”
(swallowwort root)
Bitter, salty, cold, 3-12g
Enters LU, ST, KD
Clears deficiency heat (#1 herb for xu heat) and cools the blood; cools the blood and promotes urination; resolves toxicity; high fever (postpartum, or cystitis/prostate inflammation)
Di Gu Pi ***
“earth bone bark”
(lycium bark)
Sweet, bland, cold
Enters LU, LV, KD
Cools the blood and reduces steaming bone; Clears and drains Lung heat (dry cough); for thirst (w/diabetes, effecting SJ water regulation - esp upper and middle), hypertension (systolic high),
Hu Huang Lian **
“barbarian yellow link”
Bitter, cold (milder than Huang Lian - of 3 yellows), 1.5-9g
Enters LV, ST, LI
Clears heat from Xu; Clears heat and reduces childhood malnutrition; Drains damp heat (diarrhea); TB/hepatitis for long term illness with low grade fever
Yin Chai Hu **
“silver barbarian kindling”
Sweet, slightly cold (for someone with weak digestion)
Enters LV, ST
Causes heat from xu to recede (steaming bone, afternoon heat; Clears heat and reduces childhood malnutrition
Yin Chai Hu Cautions
Not for use in cases of blood deficiency without heat
Qing Hao *** cautions
Not for use in case of weak digestion or watery diarrhea
Qing Hao with Bie Jia
For late stage febrile Dz with lurking heat and damage to yin
Qing Hao Vs. Chai Hu
Both for Malaria and Shao Yang
Chai Hu better at dispersing LV Qi and raising yang, but damages yin
Qing Hao is cooling, for summer heat and empty heat, doesn’t damage yin
Di Gu Pi *** cautions
Not for cases with loose stools from SP deficiency
Di Gu Pi with Mu Dan Pi
For steaming bone syndrome (w/or w/o sweating) and lurking blood heat
Di Gu Pi Vs. Qing Hao
Qing Hao steaming bone without sweating, not moistening but clears heat in yin
Di Gu Pi steaming bone with sweating, moistening for empty heat
Bai Wei with and compared to Di Gu Pi
Together best for tidal fevers and steaming bones due to yin xu
Bai Wei clears full or empty heat from interior (blood & muscle level)
Di Gu Pi for empty heat in blood and steaming bone syndrome
Bai Wei Vs. Yin Chai Hu Vs. Qing Hao
Bai Wei vents heat, AND cools LU, facilitates urine
Qing Hao vents heat (mostly from LV)
Yin Chai Hu cools blood, but not by venting outward
Yin Chai Hu ** cautions
Not for cases of blood deficiency without heat
Yin Chai Hu with Bie Jia
Tonifying and cooling for heat from deficiency, such as steaming bones, with or without sweating
Yin Chai Hu Vs. Chai Hu
Yin Chai Hu for cooling heat from deficiency, and for childhood nutritional impairment
Chai Hu vents and cools exterior heat and Shao Yang heat
Yin Chai Hu Vs. Qing Hao
Qing Hao vents warm pathogens outward to protect yin, but doesn’t directly moisten. Also for malaria
Yin Chai Hu for deficiency heat like that due to childhood malnutrition (milder)
Hu Huang Lian ** cautions
Not for use in cases of cold from SP/ST deficiency
Hu Huang Lian with Yin Chai Hu
for heat and night sweats due to childhood malnutrition or alternating chills/fever
Hu Huang Lian Vs. Huang Lian
Both cool heat/fire, dry damp, cool blood.
Hu Huang Lian best for draining lower jiao damp heat, colder and more bitter
Huang Lian more focused on middle jiao