CH29 Social Engineering Flashcards


Which attack method is MOST likely to be used by a malicious employee or insider who is trying to obtain another user’s passwords?

a. Man-in-the-middle
b. Shoulder surfing
c. Tailgating
d. Phishing


b. Shoulder surfing

While all of the methods listed could be used by a malicious employee or insider to obtain another user’s passwords, shoulder surfing is the MOST likely to be used. Shoulder surfing is a type of social engineering technique used to obtain information such as personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords, and other confidential data by looking over the victim’s shoulder. Since a malicious employee or insider can work in close proximity to their victims (other users), they could easily use this technique to collect the passwords of the victimized users.

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Which type of threat actor can accidentally or inadvertently cause a security incident in your organization?

a. Insider threat
b. Hacktivist
c. Organized Crime
d. APT


a. Insider threat

An insider threat is a type of threat actor who is assigned privileges on the system that cause an intentional or unintentional incident. Insider threats can be used as unwitting pawns of external organizations or may make crucial mistakes that can open up exploitable security vulnerabilities.

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Several users have contacted the help desk to report that they received an email from a well-known bank stating that their accounts have been compromised and they need to “click here” to reset their banking password. Some of these users are not even customers of this particular bank, though. Which of the following best describes this type of attack?

a. Phishing
b. Spear phishing
c. Whaling
d. Brute force


a. Phishing

This is an example of a phishing attack. Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails and pretending to be from a reputable company in order to trick users into revealing personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. This email appears to be untargeted since it was sent to both customers and non-customers of this particular bank; it is best classified as phishing.

Spear phishing requires the attack to be more targeted and less widespread.

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(Sample Simulation – On the real exam for this type of question, you might receive a list of attack vectors and targets. Based on these, you would select the type of attack that occurred.) (1) An attacker has been collecting credit card details by calling victims and using false pretexts to trick them. (2) An attacker sends out to 100,000 random email addresses. In the email the attacker sent, it claims that “Your Bank of America account is locked out. Please click here to reset your password.” What types of attacks have occurred in (1) and (2)?

a. (1) Vishing and (2) phishing
b. (1) Hoax and (2) Spearphishing
c. (1) Pharming and (2) Phishing
d. (1) Spearphishing and (2) Pharming


a. (1) Vishing and (2) phishing

OBJ-1.1: Vishing uses a phone call to conduct information gathering and phishing type of actions. Spearphishing involves targeting specific individuals using well-crafted emails to gather information from a victim. Phishing relies on sending out a large volume of email to a broad set of recipients in the hopes of collecting the desired action or information. A hoax involves tricking a user into performing an action (such as virus remediation actions) when no infection has occurred. Pharming involves domain spoofing in an attempt to gather the desired information from a victim.

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You have just received an email that claims to be from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The email claims that your computer was identified as part of a botnet being used to distribute pirated copies of a new movie. The email states that you must click the link below and pay a fine of $1000 within 24 hours, or federal agents will be sent to your home to arrest you for copyright infringement. What social engineering principle is this email relying on using?

a. Familiarity
b. Intimidation
c. Consensus
d. Trust


b. Intimidation

OBJ-1.1: Intimidation is a commonly used technique during a social engineering campaign. It relies on trying to scare or frighten a person into clicking a link. Often, these emails will claim to be from the FBI, IRS, or other government agencies.

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Your organization has been receiving many phishing emails recently, and you are trying to determine why they are effective in getting your users to click on their links. The latest email consists of what looks like an advertisement that is offering an exclusive early access opportunity to buy a new iPhone at a discounted price. Still, there are only 5 phones available at this price. What type of social engineering principle is being exploited here?

a. Scarcity
b. Trust
c. Intimidation
d. Familiarity


a. Scarcity

OBJ-1.1: Scarcity is used to create a fear in a person of missing out on a special deal or offer. This technique is used in advertising all the time, such as “supplies are limited,” “only available for the next 4 hours”, and other such artificial limitations being used. Familiarity is a social engineering technique that relies on assuming a widely known organization’s persona. For example, in the United States, nearly 25% of Americans have a Bank of America account. For this reason, phishing campaigns often include emails pretending to be from Bank of America since 1 in 4 people who receive the email in the United States are likely to have an account. This makes them familiar with the bank name and is more likely to click on the email link.

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Which attack method is MOST likely to be used by a malicious employee or insider trying to obtain another user’s passwords?

a. Shoulder surfing
b. On-path attack
c. Tailgating
d. Phishing


a. Shoulder surfing

OBJ-1.1: While a malicious employee or insider could use all of the methods listed to obtain another user’s passwords, shoulder surfing is the MOST likely to be used. Shoulder surfing is a type of social engineering technique used to obtain personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords, and other confidential data by looking over the victim’s shoulder. Since a malicious employee or insider can work close to their victims (other users), they could easily use this technique to collect the victimized users’ passwords. An on-path attack is an attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other. The attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays messages between them to make them believe they are talking directly to each other over a private connection. The attacker will intercept all relevant messages passing between the two victims and inject new ones. Tailgating is a social engineering technique to gain access to a building by following someone unaware of their presence. Phishing is an email-based social engineering attack in which the attacker sends an email from a supposedly reputable source, such as a bank, to try to elicit private information from the victim. Phishing attacks target an indiscriminate large group of random people.

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