Ch2 - The Thirteen Original Colonies Flashcards
William Tyndale
Gave England first printed English bible
John Wycliffe
Had entire bible translated into English for the first time, called morning star if the reformation
Henry VIII
Broke English ties with Catholic Church
Magna Carta
First established a form of limited representative government
Year magna Carta was signed
John Cabot
Italian navigator who sailed for England and discovered Newfoundland
Sir Martin Frobisher
Sent by Queen Elizabeth to find northwest passage
Sir Francis drake
First Englishman to sail around world
Those who opposed the official English church
Two largest groups of dissenters
Catholics and puritans
Puritans who formed their own churches
Divine right of kings
The absolute monarchy is the only form of government sanctioned by god and rulers receive absolute power from him
When the price of goods rises steadily
Enclosure movement
Landholders evicting farmers or forcing them to raise sheep
Sir Humphrey Gilbert
First Englishman to try to colonize America
John White
Went with a party of over 100 settlers to settle in Roanoke
Joint stock company
Several businessmen invested stock in a single company to start a colonizing venture
Two companies granted charters to settle virginia
London company and Plymouth company
Problems of Jamestown settlement
1) malaria in low-lying land
2) contaminated river water
3) colonists unwilling to work
Common-store system
Jamestown’s communal system of dividing everyone’s profits among the town
Starving time
Jamestowns name for winter of 1609-1610
John Rolfe
Married Pocahontas and taught Virginian colonists to grow tobacco
Indentured servant
One whose passage to the Americas was paid for by a colonist and in return served that colonist for a set period of time
Year slave trade started in North America
Happenings that serve as examples to be followed in our future
Year house of burgesses started
Bacons rebellion
Nathaniel bacon led a volunteer militia against Indians against governors wishes and burned Jamestown to the ground
Private enterprise
Individuals are free to make a loving and prosper on their own initiative
Council for New England
The new name for the Plymouth Company
James I
Opposed religious freedom because he thought those who questioned his religious authority were also questioning his political authority
Separatists who fled England for holland then went on to the new world
Sir Edwin Sandys
English Puritan nobleman who helped pilgrims secure a permission for the pilgrims to settle in Virginia
The Speedwell
The pilgrims’ first ship
Non-separatists on the mayflower
Mayflower compact
Pilgrims document to establish a civil body politic
Year pilgrims landed in New Plymouth
William Brewster
Pilgrims’ pastor
History of Plymouth plantation
The first American history book
General court
The pilgrims’ democratic legislative body
Miles Standish
Commander in chief of the pilgrims’ military defense force
John Alden
Held various political offices in pilgrim colony
Charles I
Vowed to rule without parliament
Massachusetts bay company
Joint stock company composed mostly of Puritan businessmen
Puritan work ethic
The belief that work is a gift from god and a means if glorifying him
Descendant of early New England Puritan, hardworking and industrious
John Winthrop
Governor of Massachusetts bay colony
Year in which 700 colonists set sail for Massachusetts bay
Great migration
A wave if puritans into the new world fleeing religious persecution in 1633
When a church governs itself
Thomas hooker
Led his congregation to settle Connecticut
Fundamental orders of Connecticut
The first written constitution in America
Roger Williams
Congregationalist who was banished from Massachusetts and went on to found Rhode Island
New England Confederation
First voluntary American union
Anne Hutchinson
A woman banished from Massachusetts for contradicting Puritan leaders’ teachings
Sir Edmund Andros
Appointed by King James II to govern the dominion of New England
Proprietary colonies
Colonies based on land grants from King to individual owners
George Calvert
First lord Baltimore, founded Maryland but died before charter was issued
Cecilius Calvert
Second lord Baltimore, carried out project of colonization of Maryland
Leonard Calvert
Brother of Cecilius, became Maryland’s first governor
Toleration act
Passed in 1649, granted religious freedom to all Christians in Maryland
Charles Town
Charleston, established in south of Carolina by colonists if various nationalities and faiths
Henry Hudson
Explored Hudson and Delaware River valleys for Dutch east India company
Petr Minuit
Purchased manhattan island for Dutch east India company
New Netherlands
Fort orange (Albany), new Amsterdam (New York), and other Dutch settlements along Hudson and Delaware rivers
Fort Christina
Swedish fort in Delaware, first successful settlement in Delaware
An individual granted a tract of land by Dutch East India company who brought 50 settlers to his land and had extensive control over them
Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley
Two noblemen given the land of New Jersey by King James II
Faced persecution in England and the colonies
William Penn
Quaker who founded Pennsylvania
Largest city in colonies
James Oglethorpe
Founded Georgia as a place for debtors to work off debts and prosper
Peter Stuyvesant
Governor of New Netherland who did not want to give up land to England
New Sweden
The area of Delaware settled by Swedes
Albemarle sound
Where North Carolinians settled
Pennsylvania Dutch
German settlers in Pennsylvania