Ch2 Power and the policy process Flashcards
The ability to influence people and to control resources
Easton’s model
One approach to simplifying the complexities of political decision making and understanding its key components
- Inputs
- Black box
- Outputs
Rational model, Simon
To achieve the desired outcomes, decision makers must work through a number of steps in a logical sequence
Policymaker steps, rational model, Simon
- Policy maker is faced with a particular problem
- Goals, values, or objective are clarified and ranked
- Various alternative solutions are considered
- Costs and benefits of each alternative are investigated
- Each alternative and its costs and benefits are compared with other alternatives
- Policy maker chooses the alternative that has highest net benefits
Weber’s three origins of power
Who are in position of exercising power, and what their mark of territory is
1. Traditional authority
2. charismatic authority
3. Rational-legal authority
4. Scientist
Whereas power concerns the ability to influence others, authority concerns the right to do so.
Dahl theory
Power is based on access to:
- Cash, credit and wealth
- Holding official office
- Managing staff
- Control over information
Three dimensions of power
- Power as decision making
- Power as non-decision making
- Power as thought control
Power as decision making
Acts of individuals and groups which influence policy decisions
Power as non-decision making
Dominant groups exert influence to delineate the policy agenda
Power as thought control
Compliance through subtle means (mass media or socialization)
Four macro theories that focus on distribution of power in society
- Pluralism
- Public choice
- Elitism
- Bounded pluralism
Theory that power is widely distributed in society
Public choice
State is in itself interest group
Theory that power is concentrated in a minority group in society
Theory that decisions are not made through a rational process but by small adjustments to the status quo in the light of political realities
Incrementalist model, Lindblom
Describes way policy is actually made: decision makers take incremental steps from the initial situation by comparing only a small number of possible alternatives which are not very different from the status quo