Ch2: Methods in the Study of Personality Flashcards
Gathering Information
1.1 Sources-Observe Yourself & Observe Others:
A) Introspection
- looking at your own experiences
- problem: special relationship between you and your memories can distort information
B) Observing others:
- looking at someone else’s experiences
problem: impossibility of really knowing what is going inside the person’s mind
2.1 Seeking Depth: Case studies
Point 1: Personology
-need to study the person as coherent entity
Point 2: Case study
in depth study of one person
- usually over a long period of time
- multiple observations
- rich in detail; compelling examples illustrate broader themes
2.2 Depth from Experience Sampling
Point 1: Experience Sampling
- diary studies
- conducted over a long period of time
- person prompted to repeatedly report own experience
- reduces distortion of faulty memory
Point 2: Idiographic method: the specifics and characteristics of individuals
-focuses on individual: NOMOTHETIC
2.3 Seeking Generality: studies of many people
Point 1: Generality or generalizability
- how widely a conclusion can be applied
- generalizable conclusions based on study of many people
- need to study many types of people
Point 2: Limits to generalizability
- types of people used in the sample
- cultural or sociodemographic differences
- as variables are assessed over many instances, the values on one tend to go together with values on the other in a systematic way
- direction & strength are two independent aspects of a correlation
positive correlation: if low values on one variable tend to go with low values on the other variable/ or high values match with high values
negative correlation: if high values on one variable to go with low values on the other variable
degree of accuracy that values of one variable can be predicted with values on another variable
-expressed by a number or correlation coefficient
- dimension along which there are at least two values or levels
- no cause & effect/ inferential correlated
- suggests a certain level of difference
2 kinds of Significance
- Statistical significance: when there is a very small probability of obtaining a correlation that is as large or larger than the correlation observed due to chance
- statistical significance is less than 5% - Clinical significance: when effect is both statistically and clinical significant and its large enough to have practical imporance
relationship between a cause & an effect
Experimental method
- manipulate and create at least two levels of independent variables
- use of random assignment
Experimental control
where all conditions are the same except the variable being manipulated
Correlational studies
- a study that makes comparisons between groups
- groups represent naturally occurring differences
Advtanges & Disadvantages of Experiments
can show cause and effect
disadvantages: unclear with aspect of manipulation produced the effect
- results may have something to do with personality
Advantages & Disadvantages of Correlational studies
advantage: allows study of complex events & conditions that would be unethical to manipulate
disadvantage: cannot show cause and effect
Multifacto studies
2 or more variables are varied separately
- uses all combinations of levels of predictor variables
- can include experimental manipulations & personality variables
Experimental personality research
-combines experimental procedures and individual differences
Main effect
-when a predictor variable is linked to the outcome in a systematic way, completely separate of the other predictor
- when the effect of one predictor variable differs across the levels of the other predictor variables
- need to study more than one factor at a time