Ch2 - Consequences of poor Corporate Governance Flashcards
Consequences of Poor Corporate Governance
- Insufficient Effort (enjoyable task rather than to benefit)
- Empire Building (xpanding the company’s size than profitability)
- Entrenchment (poison pills, greenmail)
- Self-Dealing (use company resources for personal gain)
Poison Pill
It grants all shareholders, except the acquirer, the right to purchase shares of the target company or the merged entity at a discount
method of buying enough shares in a company to attempt a hostile takeover to have them bought back by the target company at a premium.
usually bad for company, as they take a loan to rebuy them
Underperforming Conglomerats
Conglomerates Underperform
- conglomerates often have lower market values than if they were broken up
- managers use mergers to reduce their own employment risk, not necessarily for shareholder benefit
Underperforming (managerial) investments
Cash Windfalls Wasted
- low investment opportunities tend to use unexpected cash for unsuccessful acquisitions
Manager-Specific Investments
- Managers might invest in projects that make them indispensable, even if they are not profitable for the company
Shark repellents
provisions in the corporate charter and its bylaws aimed at dissuading hostile takeovers
-> need to be approved by shareholders
e.g staggered or classified BoD, supermajority, voting right restrictions
“Gamble for resurrection”
Excessive risk taking in order to increase
employment probability
Defensive corporate restructuring
– defensive acquisitions,
– defensive debt,
– defensive spin-offs, etc.
Timeline of an Event-Study