Ch10 - Gastvorlesung Flashcards
How can investors influence companies (climate transition)
○ Direct influence: Green investments and engagement.
○ Indirect influence: Market signals (shifting investments) and non-market signals (public pressure).
Investor Impact Mechanisms (Finreon)
● Engagement: Directly communicate with companies (voicing concerns and voting).
● Market signals: Influence companies by how and where investors allocate capital (investment and divestment).
● Non-market signals: Public communication and reputation (generating information, influencing reputation, establishing awareness).
Finreons Business Model
● Combines shorting with active engagement: Targets high-carbon emitters (“climate laggards”).
● Portfolio swap: Replaces high-carbon stocks with low-carbon alternatives, reducing the portfolio’s financed emissions while maintaining sector neutrality.
● Engagement process: Identifies laggards, sends letters, conducts surveys, initiates dialogues, and escalates if needed (using public pressure or divestment).
Finreons Engagement Successes
● High response rate: Many shorted companies actively engaged with Finreon.
● Increased climate awareness: Companies became more aware of their climate impact and investor expectations.
● Concrete actions taken: Some companies set decarbonization targets, invested in renewable energy, etc.