Ch.17 Flashcards
Omphalocele vs Gastroschisis
Omphalocele: viscera herniates into the ventral membranous sac Gastroschisis: incomplete all layers of abdominal wall, doesnt herniate into sac, separate
Erythomycin exposure Projectile vomiting, non bilious Palpable mass
Pyloric stenosis
No meconium Bilious vomiting -mutation
Hirschsprung Megacolon -RET (RTK) mutation
Plummer-Vinson syn
- upper esophagus webs 2. Iron deficiency 3. Inflammation of tongue 4. Chilosis (cracked corner of mouth)
Longitudinal lacerations of mucosa at gastroesophageal junction
Mallory-weiss tears
Severe chest pain, tachypnea, and shock following severe vomiting
Boerhaave syndrome - transmural tearing and rupture of distal esophagus
Heart burn, dysphagia, sour taste PPI help
Reflux esophagitis (GERD)
Food impaction, dysphagia Atopic dermatitis PPI dont provide relief Furrow ridges
Eosinophilic esophagitis
Barretts esophagus is a precursor for what
Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
Helicobacter pylori gastritis is assoc with
Peptic ulcer disease Lymphoma
Mucosal atrophy and intestinal metaplasia is assoc with
Gastric adenocarcinoma
Gastric polyps and gastric adenoma are associated with
Gastric adenocarcinoma
Autoimmune gastritis is associated with
Carcinoid tumor
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is associated iwth
Peptic ulcer disease
Parietal cells -location -secrete (2)
Body HCl Intrinsic factor
Chief cells -location -secrete
Body Pepsinogen
G cells -location -secrete
Antrum Gastrin
Mucous cells -location -secrete (2)
Antrum Mucus Pepsinogen
Longitudinal stripes of edematous erythematous mucosa alternating with less severly injured paler mucosa “watermelon stomach”
Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE)
Warthrin-Starry stain
Helicobacter pylori
Helicobacter pylori gastritis -location -inflammatory -acid production -gastrin -other lesions -serology -sequelae -associations -characteristic -side effect -tests (2)
Antrum Neutrophils, subepithelial plasma cells Increased to slightly decreased Increased local gastrin production (normal to decreased) Hyperplastic/inflammatory polyps Ab to H. pylori Peptic ulcer, adenocarcinoma, MALToma Poverty Patchy mucosal atrophy Iron def Warthin starry stian Urea breath test
Autoimmune gastritis -location -inflammatory -acid production -gastrin -other lesions -serology -sequelae -associations -characteristic (3)
Body (spares antrum) Lymphocytes and macrophages decreased acid production Incrased gastrin production Neuroendocrine hyperplasia Antibodies to parietal cells & IF Atophy, pernicious anemia, adenocarcinoma, carcinoid tumor Autoimmune disease, Thyroiditis, DM, Graves Diffuse atrophy Hypergastrinemia (G cell hyperplasia) Achlorhydria (no acid secretion) Hypersegmented neutrophils Rugal folds lost
Rugal folds lost
Autoimmuen gastritis
Memory loss, behavorial changes, paresthesia and numbness Tongue becomes smooth and beefy red Megaloblastosis of RBC
Vit B12 def Subacute degeneration of spinal cord
Thickened folds of stomach covered by small nodulaes iwth central aphthous ulcerations
Lymphocytic (varioliform) gastritis
Gastritis cystica
exuberant epithelial proliferation with entrapment of epithelium lined cysts Body Mucous, cyst lining Neutrophils and lymphocytes Trauma, prior surgery No malignancy
DIffuse fovelar cell hyperplasia in body and fundus Get systemic hypoprotenemia Irregular enlarged rugae
Menetrier disease
Increased Gastrin levels 5x parietal cells Mucin production increase Duodenal ulcers
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Polyp associatedi wth H. pylori
Hyperplastic inflammatory polyps
Polyp associated with PPI
Fundic gland polyps
Polyp associated with FAP mutation
Fundic gland polyps Gastric adenoma
Malignant potential polyps
Gastric adenoma** Fundic gland polyps w/ syndromic FAP
50-60 Antrum Mucous Neutrophils/lymphcytes Risk: chronic gastritis, H. pylori
Hyperplastic and inflammatory polyps
50-60 Body/ Fundus Parietal/ chief cells No inflammatory Risk with PPI use and FAP mutation
Fundic gland polyp
50-60 Antrum Dysplatic intestional cells Risk: chronic gastritis, atrophy Malignancy potential FAP mutation
Gastric adenoma
Left supraclavicular sentinel lymph node
Virchow node Gastric adenocarcioma
Periumbilical lymph nodes
Sister mary joseph nodule Gastric adenocarcinoma
Ovarian metastasis from intra-abdominal tumors
Krukenberg tumor Most likely stomach (pancreas or breast)
Linitis plastica
Leather bottle Diffuse type gastric adenocarcinoma
CDH1 mutation and loss of E-caderin
Diffuse gastric adenocarcinoma
Tumor in japan patient
Gastric adenocarcinoma
Lymphoepithelial lesions
Solitary well circumscribed, whorled appearance KIT marker
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
Yellow tan intramural or submucosa masses Firm, obstructs bowel
Carcinoid tumor
Carcinoid tumor in jejunum& ileum
Serotonin, Substance P, polypeptide YY Obstuction Metastatic disease AGGRESSIVE Throughout <3-5 cm
Carcinoid syndrome
Ileal tumors –> flushing and sweating Bronchospasm Diarrhea & collicky pain Due to secretion of 5HT into systemic circ Associated with metastic liver disease
Acute onset chest and back pain Preceded by burning epigastric pain History: chronic gastritis due to H. pylori COPD, smoking Air bubbles in chest xray
Perforated peptic ulcer
Disease associated w/ lacteals What is a lacteal
Whipples disease Lymphatic capillary that absorbs dietary fats in villi of small intestine
Can lead to toxic megacolon
Associated with Rota virus -causes
Intussception in children Reactive hyperplasia
LLQ pain, desire to defecate, bloody diarrhea Epithelial surface sloughs off
Ischemic bowel disease
Radiation fibroblasts Anorexia abdominal cramps Malabsorptive diarrhea
Radiation enterocolitis
Premature infant or low birth weight Oral feeding has just began Transmural necrosis of small and large intestine
Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
Ischemic bowel disease where
Splenic flexure -between superficial and inferior mesenteric artery
Significant bleeding Tortuous dilation of veins in mucosa and submucosa of cecum
Hallmark of malabsorption
Steatorrhea Bulky, frothy, greasy yellow stools or Clay colored
Diarrhea that is isotonic to stool and persists w/ fasting
Secretory diarrhea
Diarrhea the is more concentrated than plasma and resides with fasting
Osmotic diarrhea
Osmotic diarrhea is assoc with what condition
Lactase deficiency
Diarrhea associated with steatorrhea
Malabsorptive diarrhea
Diarrhea that is purulent and bloody persists during fasting -due to
Exudative diarrhea Due to inflammatory disease
What are the 2 diseases that only have issues iwth intraluminal digestion
Chronic pancreatitis Cystic fibrosis (–> pancreatitis)
What is the disease that only has a problem with terminal digestion?
Lactase deficiency
What is the only disease that only has a problem with lymphatic transport?
Whipple disease
What is the only disease that only has a problem with transepithelial transport
Celiac disease
Increased CD8 cells Crypt hyperplasia Villous atrophy
Celiac disease
IgA antibodies ot tissue transglutaminase (tTG) ro anti-emdomysial (EMA)
Celiac disease
Condition associated with celiac disease
Dermatitis herpetiformis Microabscess Itchy blistering skin lesion
Patient presents with itchy skin blisters -condition? -assoc with
Dermatitis herpetiformis Celiac disease
Infant presents w/ failure to thrive, diarrhea and steatorrhea Presence of acanthocytic red cells (burr cells) Oil red o stain
Oil red o-stain
Abetalipoproteinemia is inherited how
Acantocytic red cells aka
Burr cells Abetalipoprotenemia
Young patient from Africa has repeat bouts of diarrhea starting around age 2. 50% percentile for height. Symptoms do not disappear with antibiotics. Cognitive deficits -severly affected area -caused by
Environmental enteropathy -distal bowel - defective intestinal barrier fxn, chronic exposure to fecal pathogens
FOXP3 mutation
Autoimmune enteropathy
Defective CD4 cells
Autoimmune enteropathy
Autoimmune enteropathy has auto-Ab to what
Enterocytes and goblet cells
Autoimmune enteropathy is inherited how
IPEX X-linked
Explosive watery diarrhea, w/ frothy stools and abdominal distension -inherited how
Lactase def - AR
Abdominal fullness, diarrhea, flatulence following dairy
Lactase def -acquired - downreglation of lactase gene
Cholera -location -symptoms -complications
India, africa Severe watery diarrhea Dehydration, electrolyte inbalance
Campylobacter spp -location -symptoms -complications
Developed countreies Watery or bloody diarrhea Arthritis Guillain-Barre syndrome
Shigellosis -location -symptoms -complications
Worldwide Bloody diarrhea Reactive arthritis Urethritis, conjunctivitis Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Salmonellosis -location -symptoms -complications
Worldwide Watery or bloody diarrhea Sepsis Abscess
ENteric (typhoid fever) -location -symptoms -complications
India, mexico, philippines Bloody diarrhea Fever Chronic infection Carrier state Encephalopathy Myocarditis Intestinal perforation
Yersinia spp -location -symptoms -complications
Nothern adn central europe Abdominal pain Fever Diarrhea Reactive arthritis Erythema nodosum
Infectious enterocolitis assoc w/ Guillain Barre syndrome
Campylobacter spp
ETEC -location -symptoms -complications
Developing countries Severe watery diarrhea Dehydrateion electrolyte imbalance
EPEC -location -symptoms -complications
World wide Watery diarrhea dehydration Electrolyte inbalance
EHEC -location -symptoms -complications
World wide Bloody diarrhea Hemolytic uremic syndrome
EIEC -location -symptoms -complications
Developing countires Bloody diarrhea
EAEC -location -symptoms -complications
World wide Nonbloody diarrhea afebrile Poorly defined
Pseudomembranous colitis (C. diff) -location -symptoms -complications
Worldwide Watery diarrhea Fever Relapse, toxic megacolon
Whipple disease -location -symptoms -complications
Rural Malabsorption Arthritis CNS disease
Mycobacterial infection -location -symptoms -complications
World wide Malabsroption Pneumonia, infection at other sites
Rice water stool -pathogenesis
Vibrio cholera - contaiminated drinking water
Diarrhea w/ fishy order
Vibrio cholera
Pathogenesis vibero cholera
Cholera toxin subunit A Unfolds –> cytosol –> refolds stimulates adenylate cyclase –> cAMP opens CFTR Release chloride into lumen
Reactive arthritis Campylobacter entercolitis Conjunctivitis, reactive arthritis, urethritis in shigella
Erytehma nodosum bacteria
Campylobacter enterocolitis
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Shigella EHEC
Anti-diarrheal medication are contrandicated in what
Shigella Delay clearance
Plateau-like elevation of peyers patches in terminal ileum
Typhoid fever Salmonella
Rose spots
Typhoid fever Salmonella
Mimics appendicitis
Yersinia enterocolitica
Secretory, non-inflammatory diarrhea
Heat labile toxin, heat stable toxin
Detected with Tir
Undercooked beef
Antibiotics are contraindicated with what pathogen
EHEC Killing bacteria increases amount of toxin relased and enhances HUS SHiga like toxin
Shiga like toxin
Damaged crypts taht are distended by a mucopurulent exudate that form an eruption like a volcano taht leads to the formation of…
Pseudomembranous colitis PMC
With what do you diagnose by toxin in stool
Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC)
Whipples is due to
Actinomycete tropheryma whippelii
Farmers Foamy macrophages Gram (+)
Whipple disease
Diarrhea, weight loss, pain in joint (arthralgia)
Whipple disease
Osmotic diarrhea assoc w/ viral
DS-RNA virus
Strongyloides Larvae stage is outside host
Iron deficiency anemia assoc worm
Necator duodenale Ancylostoma duodenale Hook worm
Worms travel to anus at night Scotch tape test
Enterobius vermicularis Pin worms
worm- bloody diarrhea adn rectal prolapse
Trichuris trichiura Whipworm
Adult worms residing within mesenteric veins
Single worm very large
Intestinal cestodes Tape worm
Worm causes B12 defieicny and megaloblastic anemia
Diphyllobothrium latum Fish tape wrom
worm causes liver abscess adn dysentery
Entamoeba histolytica
Flask shaped ulcer
Entamoeba histolytica
Resistant to chlorine Public swimming pools Rural streams campers
Giardia lamblia
Trophozoties, pear shaped with two equal size nuclei
Giardia lamblia
Chronic diarrhea in AIDS patietns
Ab against flaggellin
GI disease in teens to 20s
Inflammatory bowel disease
Noncaseating granulomas
Skip lesions
Disease associated iwth onset of smoking
Disease associated with stopping smoking
Ulcerative colitis
What is common w/ crohns disease
perianal disease
Ulcerative colitis vs Crohns in location and depth
Crohns - regional - transmural UC - colon and rectum -mucosa and submucosa
Broad based ulcers with pseudopolyp
Ulcerative colitis
Polyp in left colon smooth, nodular protrusion on crests of mucosal folds Piling of goblet cells
Hyperplastic polyps benign
Rectal bleeding, mucus discharge, inflammatory lesion on anterior rectal wall
Inflammatory polyp (juvenile, peutz-hjegher, Hamartomatous)
SMAD4 polyp
Juvenile polyp
TGF-beta signaling pathways polyp
Juvenile polyp
Congenital malformations and clubbing
Juvenile polyposis
STK11 mutation
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
AMP kinase mutation polyp
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Pigmented macules
Peutz-jeghers syndrome
APC mutation polyp
Focal hamartomatous malformation of small intestine and colon
Juvenile polyps
Juvenile polyp inheritence
What is initiating event for juvenile polyps
Mucosal hyperplasia
Juvenile polyps are filled with
Mucin and inflammatory debris
Juvenile polyps age
Peutz-Jeghers inheritance
Multiple GI polyps and mucocutanous hyperpigmentation
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Dark blue-brown macules on lips nostrils, buccal mucosa
Peutz-Jeghers syndromes
Epithelial dysplasia in colon
Colorectal adenomas
Adenomas most important characteristic correlating risk of malignancy
Full gland length exhibits serrated architecture No dysplastic changes Right colon
Sessile serrated adenoma
Carpets of polyps -condition -inheritence -age -mutation
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) AD Teenage APC mutation
Hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
MSH2 or MLH1 -condition -inheritance -age -location
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer aka Lynch syndrome -AD -under age 50 -Right colon
Sporadic colon tumors mutation
APC/ Beta-catenin pathways WNT signaling
Signet ring cells
Loss of E cadherin Colonic adenocarcinoma
Right vs left colonic adenocarcinoma
Right - fatigue, weakness due to iron def anemia Left - occult bleeding, changes in bowel habits or cramping and LLQ discomfort
Colonoic adenocarcinoma prognostic factor
Depth of invasion and presence of metastases
Pencil thin poops
colonic adenocarcinoma
Anal canal upper 1/3
Columnar rectal epithelium Glandular carcinoma Adenocarcinoma
Anal canal middle 1/3
Transitional epithelium Cloacogenic carcinoma: basaloid tumors
Anal canal lower 1/3
Stratified squamous epithelium Squamous carcinoma HPV infection
External hemorrhoids
Below anorectal line painful Indicative of hepatic pathology
Internal hemorrhoids
Above anorectal line Painless Straining
Tumor of appendix
Carcinoid tumor
Well differentiated neuroendocrine tumor
Carcinoid tumor
Yellow swelling at tip of appendix
Carcinoid tumor
Sclerosing Retroperitionitis etiology
Dense fibrosis teh may extend to involve mesentery Compresses teh ureters
Sclerosing retroperitonitis
Peritoneal tumors
Rare Mesothelioma: asbestos exposure
EWS-WT1 fusion gene Aggressive tumor Desmosplastic small round cell tumor Children young adults Peritoneal tumors
Loss of ganglion cells
Abnormalities in RET
Hirschsprung disase