CH12 - social psychology Flashcards
evaluations of people objects ideas and behavior
message source
the characteristics of a person who delivers a persuasive message, known as an ATTITUDE COMMUNICATOR, impact the message effectiveness
characteristics of the message
not just who, but what the message is like affects attitude. two sided messages including communicators position and the one theyre arguing against are more effective.
characteristics of the target
target may determine whether the message will be accepted.
routes of persusasion
central route
peripheral rout
central route processing
occurs when the recipient thoughtfully considers the issues and arguments involved in persuasion.
people are swayed in their judgments by logic merit and strength of arguments
peripheral route processing
occurs when people are persuaded on the basis of factors unrelated to the nature or quality of the content of a persuasive mssage.
factors that are irrelevant or extraneous to the issue such as who is providing the message, how long the arguments are, or emotional appeal influence the target.
central route processing targets
highly involved, motivated, attentive
peripheral route processsing targets
uninvolved, unmotivated, inattentive
Cognitive dissonance
the psychological tension that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts. (Leon Festinger)
ways to reduce cognitive dissonance
modifying one or both of the cognitions
changing the perceived importance of one cognition
adding cognitions
denying that the two cognitions are related
social cognition
the way people understand and make sense of others and themselves
sets of cognition about people and social experiences.
schemas organize information stored in memory, represent in our minds the way the social world operates, and give us a framework to recognize, categorize and recall information relating to social stimuli
impression formation
the process by which one person organizes information about another person to form an overall impression of that person
central traits
traits people pay particular attention to in order to help form an overall impression
attribution theory
seeks to explain how we decide on the basis of samples of an individuals behavior what the spefici causes of that person behavior are
situational causes
causes brought about by somethin in the enviornment
dispositional cause
prompted by a person disposition
attribution biasses
the halo effect
assumed similarity bias
the self serving bias
the fundamental attribution error
the halo effect
a phenomenon in which an initial understanding that a person has positive traits is used to infer other uniformly positive characteristics
assumed similarity bias
to think o f people as being similar to one self even when meeting them for the first time
self serving bias
the tendency to attribute success to personal factors and to attribute failure to factors outside oneself
the fundamental attribution error
tendency to over attribute others behavior to the dispositional causes and the corresponding failure to recognize the importance of situational causes.
behavioral economics
how individuals biases irrationally affect economic decisions
social psychology
the study of the ways in which peoples thoughts feelings and actions are affected by others and the nature and causes of individual behavior in social situations
social influence
the process by which the actions of an individual or gorup affect the behavior of others.