Ch.12, Conflict/Prejduice Flashcards
Social trap:
situation where conflicting parties are caught in mutually destructive behaviour
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Crown gives incentive for each person to confess privately: is Prisoner A confesses and Prisoner B doesn’t, the crown will grant immunity to the first and use that confession to give the person a conviction on the maximum offense
If both confess, each will receive a moderate sentence
If neither confesses, each will be convicted of a lesser crime and receive a light sentence
The Tragedy of the Commons
Hardin, Tragedy of the Commons: if we all use the same resource in moderation, it will replenish itself (shared resources), if not, a tragedy of the commons occurs
Collectivist and individualist cultures do the same thing: we lack regulation and and fear that others will deplete the same resource
Small Is Beautiful, Resolving Social Dilemmas
In smaller groups, each person feels more responsible and effective
In smaller groups, people also identify more with the groups success
Residential stability also strengthens communal identity and pro community behavior
Smaller group sizes are better for business organizations, religious congregations, etc. because a smaller amount of people can be adequately mamnaged
Discussion and resolving group dilemmas
Discussing the dilemma at hand forges a group identity, which enhances a concern for everyone’s welfare
Devises group norms and expectations and pressures members to follow them
Dawes, Cooperation Experiment:
tested whether willing to give money to other participants and receive more (tested via a basic cooperation method), giving was mutually advantageous but required risk; after the group could discuss this and establish mutual trust and cooperation, almost all were willing to cooperate
Competition and prejudice
Hostilities arise under competition
Prejudice amplifies the perception of threat
Groups act more competitively than individuals do
Perceived Injustice/ Equity/ Golden Rule
People perceive justice as equity
If your inputs relate evenly to your outcomes and they are the same as another’s, there is perceived equity
“Golden Rule” whoever holds the upper hand in a dynamic determines what is equitable input
Mirror-Image Perceptions:
when two sides have clashing perceptions, at least one side is misperceiving the other, each may treat each other in ways that provoke the confirmation of the other groups expectations of them (they are hostile)
Myside bias
Myside Bias: always have a bias for our own side
Simplistic Thinking:
when tension rises, views of the enemy become more simplistic and stereotyped
Proximity and reducing conflict
Proximity boosts liking
Attitudes follow this behavior
Exposure to other race faces produced increasing liking other race strangers
Informal segregation and pluralistic ignorance
Informal Segregation: prejudice and pluralistic ignorance (assuming the other race doesn’t want to sit with you either) contributes to ongoing informal segregation
How does Intergorup contact reduce prejudice
Group salience and prejudice
Group Salience; increased visibility helps bridge the divide between people
Equal Status Contact
Unequal status contact has bad effects
When contact is competitive, unsupported by authorities, and unequal, it decreases liking (like when white people only interacted with black people in subordinate positions in society)
Common enemy and cooperation
Shared threats and common goals breed unity
Leaders (authoritarian usually) create a common scapegoated enemy in order to ensure that this unity is created
Our social identities strengths self-concept and pride, especially when perceiving that we are superior
Being formed into arbitrary groups, even that mean nothing, promotes an in-group bias
Sherif’s Camp Study, Superordinate Goals
Put boys in a camp on two separate teams
Proximity fostered animosity and strong in-group identity
But when they had to get resources that required pooled effort, the boys cooperated despite intense hostility
With superordinate goals, almost all hostility vanished
Cooperative Learning and Racial Attitudes in schoolchildren
Those who work together interracially are more likely to report having friends of another race and express positive racial attitudes
Cooperative learning among schoolchildren that learning what other races have to add as far as knowledge top a group increases the academic achievement of the group on the task and increases liking
Cooperative, equal status contacts exert a positive influence
Tough bargaining may lower the other party’s expectations, making the other side willing to settle for less
Integrative Agreement:
mutually rewarding agreement (better than compromise)
Compassion collapse
This “collapse of compassion”—decreasing concern as the number of suffering people increases—also occurs as people regulate their painful emotional responses to large tragedies
Symbolic Threat Theory
Builds on realistic group conflict theory
Conflict is not only about scarce resources, but is about values and beliefs (contain a more symbolic threat) WHICH ARE NOT CONSIDERED RESOURCES
(LGBTQ conflict)
Integrated Threat Theory
Conflict occurs when:
Four major types of threats: realistic threats (threats over resources) symbolic threats (values and beliefs) intergroup anxiety (awkward feeling one may have when they are in the presence of an outgroup member) negative stereotypes (creates the awkward feeling in intergroup anxiety, because they have negative expectations of how out-group members behave)
If you are biased toward an author/ group, you will rate the writing from that group as more complex; overestimate complexity of their own group’s, speech, underestimate the complexity of others work
Complexity of rhetoric during conflict crisis climax
Occurs within groups and between groups leading up to and during conflict
3Complexity of rhetoric increased in Cuban Missile Crisis at the climax of the conflict
WWI was the opposite: complexity of rhetoric was reduced