Ch.10 - Language Development Flashcards
What are the two processes involved in acquiring a language?
Mastering language structures, how to use words
Phonology is
The combination of sounds to create speech
First words are usually
Nominal - labels for objects, people, events
Two dominant styles of word development are
Referential and expressive
What kinds of words do securely attached children seem to use?
Child directed speech is when parents
Simplify and add pauses to their speech. Encourages language exploration and understanding
Understanding what words mean is called
Receptive language
Using words is called
Expressive language. Develops more slowly.
Growth in expressive language demonstrates advances in
Semantics or receptive language
Understanding a word after 1 or 2 exposures is called
Fast mapping
When an object is described, children are predisposed to accept the word to represent
The whole of object
An example of a contextual cue is
‘The marmoset drank water’, marmoset must therefore be an animal
Analysing a sentence to infer word meaning is called
Syntactic bootstrapping
Semantics are
Word meanings
Syntax is
Rules of word order
Intimations can be used in language to
Infer or imply meaning in place of syntax
Pragmatics refers to
An ability to modify language use for different situations
Metalinguistic awareness is an understanding that
Train is a shorter word than automobile, despite trains being longer than cars
What are three ways bilingualism demonstrably helps cognitive development?
Selective attention tasks, logical-analytical tasks, greater metalinguistic awareness
Learning theories of language are
Nature (nativism - Chomsky), nurture (behaviourism - B.F. Skinner) or both (interactionist)
Deaf children progress with sign language
With the same developmental stages as spoken language development
Infants usually know and use between 5120 words between ages ___ but can be as early as ___
15-18 months, 9-12 months