Ch1 - pp. 27-32 Flashcards
A systemic study of a nation’s population which includes counting the people and recording various facts about them.
People skilled in displaying geographical on maps and globes.
A scale model of the earth which shows actual shapes, sizes, and locations of landmasses and bodies of water.
Map Projections
A flat representation of the earth or a portion of the earth.
Mercador Projection
Accurately shaped land, but sizes and areas are distorted.
Mollweide Projection
An equal-area map; show the correct sizes of landmasses in relations to other landmasses ,but distorts shapes
Robinson Projection
Combines the best features of the Mercador and the Mollweide.
Azimuthal Projection
Shows true compass directions
Equidistant Map
Tells correct distances by blowing up (making bigger) certain areas.
Tells you what the map is portraying.
Helps you determine distances.
Directional Indicator
Often a simple arrow indicating north.
Explains what the symbols, lines, and colors represent.
Numerical figures and facts.
Approximate, educated guesses based on observations.