ch1 Flashcards
what is the difference between nutrition and nutrients
nutrition: process of ingestion + digestion+abosorption + metabolism
nutrients: specific function in the body (acquired through nutrition)
what is the function of nutrients
- promotion of growth and development
- provision of energy
- regulation of metabolism
what is the difference between macro and micronutrients
macro: provide energy (carbs, prot, fats, water)
micro: regulate body function, metabolism, immunity (vitamins and minerals)
what are the macronutrients
what are the micronutrients
vitamins and minerals
long-term sport nutrition goals
- adequate energy intake to meet the energy demands of training and performance
- adequate replenishment of muscle and liver glycogen with dietary carbohydrates
- adequate prot intake
- adequate hydration
- adequate overall diet to maintain good health
- appropriate weight and body composition
short-term sports nutrition goals
- consumption of food and beverages to delay fatigue during training and competition
- minimize dehydration and hypohydration
- utilization of dietary strategies beneficial for performance, such as pre-competition meals, appropriately timed caffeine intake, or carbohydrate loading
- intake of nutrients that support recovery
- appropriate timing of nutrients
what does it mean to be a conditionally essential nutrient
- only essential in certain cond
components of the DRI
RDA: commended dietary allowance
AI: adequate intake
UL: tolerable upper intake level
EAR: estimated average requirement
what does the RDA do
average daily intake level sufficient to meet the nutrient needs of healthy individuals
what is AI use for in DRIs
estimate nutrient intake level
used when not enough data for RDA
what is UL use for in DRIs
maximum daily intake that is unlike;y to cause harmful effects
consuming above can cause toxicity
what is EAR use for in DRIs
daily intake level estimated to meet the needs of 50% of indv in a group
more for policy making and not diet plan
general guidelines of canadas food guide
- eat a variety of healthy foods everyday
- make water your drink of choice
- limit highly processed food
- be mindful of eating habits
- use food labels to make healthy choices
- support a sustainable food system
Canada Food Guide plate
50% fruits and veggies
25% whole grain
25% protein