Ch 9 Vocab Flashcards
9-1 Culture and Meaning are Inseperable
Commonly held societal beliefs that define what is socially gratifying
Consumer Culture
9-1 Culture and Meaning are Inseperable
Rule that specifies the appropriate consumer behavior in a given situation within a specific culture
Cultural Norms
9-1 Culture and Meaning are Inseperable
A penalty associated with performing a non-gratifying or culturally inconsistent behavior
Cultural Sanction
9-1 Culture and Meaning are Inseperable
Specific expectations that are associated with each type of person within a culture or society
Role Expectations
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
Physical Characteristics that describe the physical environment and habitat of a particular place
Ecological Factors
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
The customs and accepted ways of everyday behavior in a given culture
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
Commonly agreed upon consensus about the most preferable ways of living within a society, also known as cultural values
Core Societal Values (CSV)
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
The extent to which people are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
Extent to which an individual’s life is intertwined with a large cohesive group
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
Gender role distinction within a group that values assertiveness and control; CSV opposite of Femininity
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
Gender role distinction within a group that emphasizes the prioritization of relational variables such as caring, conciliation, and community; CSV opposite of masculinity
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
Extent to which authority and privileges are divided among different groups within society and the extent to which these facts of life are accepted by the people within the society
Power Distance
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
Extent to which a culture is uncomfortable with things that are ambiguous or unknown
Uncertainty Avoidance
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
Values consistent with Confucian philosophy and a pragmatic prioritization of future rewards over short term benefits
Long Term Orientation (LTO)
9-2 Using Core Societal Values
Chinese term for a way of doing business in which parties must first invest time and resources in getting to know one another and becoming comfortable with one another before consummating any important deal