Ch. 9-Medi-Cal MFBU Flashcards
What is MFBU?
MFBU stands for medical family budget unit. This is what is used to determine the household size of a home requesting Medi-Cal.
What is the definition of a child for medical?
The definition of a child, for medical purposes is a person under the age of 21 still living with a parent and is a tax dependent to the parent also
If under 21 in married and still a tax dependent to parent
Family members of medical purposes are considered:
A child or sibling children, including an unborn
The parents married or unmarried of the sibling children
The step parents of the sibling
The separate children of either unmarried parent, or the parent or stepparent
If there are no children, family members mean a single person or a married couple
When does spouse to spouse end?
If a couple is married, and one of the couples goes into LTC, long-term care, the spouse to spouse counting in the household in the last day of admission to LTC
Who are ineligible members for Medi-Cal?
Ineligible members are considered:
not requesting,
refusing to apply for Social Security number
refused to apply for Medicare
refused to apply for unconditionally available income
does not meet eligibility requirements
refused to comply with Medi-Cal support referral
not linked
minor parents who live with their parents, and are requesting only for their child
Parents living out of state that occluded in the case only because their child applying is claimed as a tax dependent
How are income and resources counted for in-eligible members?
For ineligible members, all income and resources are counted in full also included in the size of the MFBU (Medi-Cal family budget unit)
Who are considered excluded members to the MFBU?
Excluded members are:
Children under 21 who refused to provide verification of income or resources
Children who are excluded by the parent
Stepparents when their own children are not requesting, and the spouse is not requesting
Unmarried father of an unborn child living with a pregnant woman, and not requesting for self
Those receiving PA, which is public assistance (example CalWorks )
SSI recipients
Are people receiving PA (public assistance) counted in the MFBU?
No, they are not
How are income and resources counted for excluded members?
For excluded members all income and resources are exempt and not counted in the size of the MFBU
Define caretaker relative.
A caretaker relative is a relative who provides care and supervision to a child, with no natural, step, or adoptive parent in the home with the child. In addition, the caretaker relative must be a relative as defined by mpg article one and reside in the home with the child a caretaker relative is not a “responsible relative”
Can caretaker relatives have a linkage?
Yes, a caretaker can be link through AFDC linkage if they are requesting non-magi medical, and have no other linkage of their own meaning they are not aged or disabled.
How will a caretaker/relative’s MFBU be counted?
They will have their own MFBU where their income and resources will be counted
For a caretaker relative, how will their income and resources be counted in regards to the child MFBU?
All income and resources are exempt of the caretaker relative and is not included in the child’s MFBU
When is a parent responsible for a child?
The parent is responsible for the child when the child is
1) living in the parents home
2)lives out of the parents house,
and the child is a tax dependent of the parent
18 to 21 years old
14 to 18 years old and the parent is handling some or all of his/her financial affairs
Under 14 years old
3) is married even if the child is a parent of their own and the child is both a tax dependent of the parent and is between the ages of 18 to 21
Is there an exception to when a parent is not responsible for the child?
Yes, an exception is when parents of a child have no responsibility when the child is applying for minor consent services