Ch. 4- Medi-Cal Citizenship Flashcards
When working with Medi-Cal why is it important to differentiate between citizen and non-citizen status when determining benefits?
The level of benefits offered to an applicant depends on their citizen or non-citizen status
What are the levels of eligibility for Medi-Cal benefits?
An applicant can potentially be eligible for full scope, limited scope, or restricted scope benefits
When working with Medi-Cal who are US citizens?
US citizens are defined by persons born in the USA
Naturalized citizens
Collectively naturalized
Acquired citizenship, meaning child adopted outside of country
Derived citizenship, meaning a US parent head child while out of the country
What is a lawful permanent resident when discussing medical?
Lawful permanent residents are permanent resident
resident permit holder
Green card holder
What is a qualified non-citizen?
Lawful permanent resident
Paroled for at least one year
Withholding deportation
Conditional entrant
Cuban Haitian entrant
Battered non-citizens
What are PRUCOL?
16 categories -categories will be found on MC 13 form
What is SIS?
SIS stands for satisfactory immigration status customers who claim SIS are required to verify their immigration status. A non-citizen who has complied with and received approval approval from US CIS.
What is an I551 card?
It is a legal permanent resident card, otherwise known as a green card for legally permanent residence. LPR.
What are fullscope benefits?
Full scope benefits include all medical services covered by the medical program.
Restricted scope benefits cover pregnancy care and emergency medical care only
Limited scope benefits covers only emergency medical conditions, pregnancy related services and long-term care services
What are limited scope benefits?
This level of benefits are for individuals who claim to be a US citizen/national, and who fails to meet the citizenship and identify verification requirements.
What are exceptions to the levels of benefits with medical?
The exception are children and young adults under 26 and adults 50 and over must be granted full scope benefits, meaning undocumented children under the age of 19 will be issued issued full scope.
undocumented children under 26 will be issued full scope, and
full scope will be offered to individuals 50 years and older
What is a DRA?
A DRA stands for deficit reduction act. It requires documentation of US citizenship and identity must be obtained for all medical applicants and beneficiaries who declare that their citizens or nationals of the US.
Who does the DRA?
It does not affect US citizens who are not requesting for themselves
Or all non-citizens, undocumented citizens, legal permanent residence, PRUCOL non-citizens
Who has exemptions from the DRA requirement?
Children who are recipients of foster care, FFCR,adoption assistance, KIN-GAP, minor consent, applicant/beneficiaries
Current recipients of SSI, SSDI, Medicare parts, A, B, C, or D, Social Security, retirement, or survivors insurance or SSI
Individuals receiving Medi-Cal dialysis only and dialysis supplement program, total Parenteral nutrition, Energen, long-term care
in CalWorks recipients would have met the citizenship and identity verification requirements from the beginning date of their aid, and will not be required to provide documentation for ongoing Medi-Cal eligibility
Who has temporary exemption from DRA?
Presumptive eligibility/accelerated enrollment recipients
PE for pregnant
CHDP Gateway
AE at the SPE
School lunch program
Presumptive MC eligibility under the BCCTP this exemption ends when eligibility for the ongoing Medi-Cal is determined unless other exemption exist
Exempted indefinitely, abandoned, baby program infants are born in the US and have no documentation
Deemed eligible infants who are born in the US
What do medical applicants who qualify for DRA receive?
If they follow the DRA guidelines and declare they are US citizens/national status and meet all eligibility requirements are eligible for full scope benefits until acceptable verification of citizenship and identity is provided
Are medical customers who are citizens of the US required to verify their citizenship and identity?
Yes, they are required to verify their citizenship and identity once provided it may not be requested again
What are acceptable evidence of identity that a US citizen provide evidence?
Photograph of the customer
What if a person requests full scope Medi-Cal benefits, but has yet to show proof of citizenship?
Recipient will receive full scope, and if they failed to provide proof, then their benefits will be reduced to limited scope
What internal systems must be checked to verify documentation of applicants?
HUB-verify citizenship, identity, and Social Security card number
MEDS -verify citizenship, identity, and Social Security number
CERMS system to check to see what we already have that would be seen as acceptable documentation on file that the client has already provided
SAVE system that will be used for LPR status since DRA does not apply to LPRs
When working with MEDS what does a successful match mean?
A successful match means that the applicant citizenship and identity are verified through SSA if and will not be required to provide any other documentation to meet DRA CIT/ID verification requirements
What is SAVE?
SAVE is an intergovernmental (federal/state) information, sharing program, consisting of an automated (primary) and a manual (secondary) verification system. This is done through CalWIN.
The primary system is used to verify the immigration status of legal residence and naturalized citizens who have an a number
The second verification as it is required if the primary verification response does not state, there is a satisfactory immigration status, (SIS)
When do you request a SAVE?
Your request an SAVE for non-citizens with an a number
At Intake for each applicant
Any time a person requesting benefits is added to the case
Anytime a change in non-citizen status is reported
As the next redetermination for each current recipient
How can verification of US citizens be submitted?
They could be submitted by mail, in person, or by guardian, or authorized representative
What is HUB?
HUB is a federal verification system always check for verification.
Proof of acceptable citizenship, or identity documents to the applicant or beneficiary when there is a successful HUBCIT/ID verification match means that a worker is not required to issue a DHCS0011
What is PRUCOL
PRUCOL, stands for permanently, residing in the United States under color of law. This is defined by regulations and court decisions to describe categories of non-citizens who are potentially eligible for certain public benefits.
What is required with a PRUCOL?
The MC 13 form is required for all non-citizens, claiming one of the protocol categories