Ch 9 Book Terms Flashcards
S Phase
The restricted part of the eukaryotic cell cycle during which synthesis of DNA occurs.
A biochemical control mechanism that prevents the cell from progressing from one stage to the next unless specific goals and requirements have been met.
To link together two circular molecules, as in a chain.
An enzyme that changes the number of times the two strands in a closed DNA molecule cross each other. It does this by cutting the DNA, passing DNA through the break, and resealing the DNA.
Doubling Time
The period (usually measured in minutes) that it takes for a bacterial cell to reproduce.
Multiforked Chromosome
A bacterial chromosome that has more than one set of replication forks, because a second initiation has occurred before the first cycle of replication has been completed.
The structure that forms in the center of a dividing bacterium, providing the site at which the daughter bacteria will separate. The same term is used to describe the cell wall that forms between plant cells at the end of mitosis.
An anucleate bacterial (Escherichia coli) cell produced by a division that generates a cytoplasm without a nucleus.
“See Septal Ring”
A complex of several proteins coded by fts genes of Escherichia coli that forms at the midpoint of the cell. It gives rise to the septum at cell division. The first of the proteins to be incorporated is FtsZ, which gave rise to the original name of the Z-ring.
Septal Ring
A complex of several proteins coded by fts genes of Escherichia coli that forms at the midpoint of the cell. It gives rise to the septum at cell division. The first of the proteins to be incorporated is FtsZ, which gave rise to the original name of the Z-ring.
Site-specific Recombination
Recombination that occurs between two specific sequences, as in phage integration/excision or resolution of cointegrate structures during transposition.
Growth Factor Receptor
Recruits the exchange factor SOS to the cell membrane to activate the RAS protein as part of the signal transduction pathway that ultimately cases the cell to begin replication and growth.
Signal Transduction Pathway
The process by which a stimulus or cellular state is sensed by and transmitted to pathways within the cell.
Genes that code for elements of the signal transduction pathway that when altered may cause cancer.
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
Peptide hormone that binds to EGFR in a lock-and-key type mechanism.