Ch 10 Book Terms Flashcards
A unit of the genome in which DNA is replicated. Each contains an origin for initiation of replication.
A sequence of DNA at which replication is initiated.
A segment of DNA at which replication ends.
Circular, extrachromosomal DNA. It is autonomous and can replicate itself.
Single Copy
A type of replication control in bacteria resulting from the fact that a genome in a bacterial cell has a single replication origin and thus constitutes a single replicon. Because units of replication and segregation coincide, initiation at a single origin
sponsors replication of the entire genome, once for every cell division.
Semiconservative Replication
DNA replication accomplished by separation of the strands of a parental duplex, each strand then acting as a template for synthesis of a complementary strand.
Replication Bubble
A region in which DNA has been replicated within a longer, unreplicated region.
Replication Fork (Growing Point)
The point at which strands of parental duplex DNA are separated so that replication can proceed. A complex of proteins including DNA polymerase is found there.
Unidirectional Replication
The movement of a single replication fork from a given origin.
Bidirectional Replication
A system in which an origin generates two replication forks that proceed away from the origin in opposite directions.
Hemimethylated DNA
DNA that is methylated on one strand of a target sequence that has a cytosine on each strand.
Licensing Factor
A factor located in the nucleus and necessary for replication; it is inactivated or destroyed after one round of replication. New factors must be provided for further rounds of replication to occur.
An enzyme that uses energy provided by ATP hydrolysis to separate the strands of a nucleic acid duplex.
Single-Strand Binding Protein (SSB)
The protein that attaches to single-stranded DNA, thereby preventing the DNA from forming a duplex.
A type of RNA polymerase that synthesizes short segments of RNA that will be used as primers for DNA replication.
S Phase
The restricted part of the eukaryotic cell cycle during which synthesis of DNA occurs.
A biochemical control mechanism that prevents the cell from progressing from one stage to the next unless specific goals and requirements have been met.
Autonomously Replicating Sequence (ARS)
A DNA sequence element that contains an origin of replication.
A Domain
The conserved 11-bp sequence of A-T base pairs in the yeast ARS element that comprises the replication origin.
Origin Recognition Complex (ORC)
Found in eukaryotes, a multiprotein complex that binds to the replication origin, the autonomously replicating sequence (ARS), and remains associated with it throughout the cell cycle.
Prereplication Complex
A protein–DNA complex at the origin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is required for DNA replication. The complex contains the ORC complex, Cdc6, and the MCM proteins.
Postreplication Complex
A protein–DNA complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that consists of the ORC complex bound to the origin.