Ch 9 Flashcards
Damage to the left frontal lobe of the brain in adults may cause a disorder in which speech production is slow and disfluent and intonation is flat and monotonous. Disorder in the planning and programming of speech movements due to damage
Acquired apraxia of speech
Speech problems caused by central and/or peripheral nervous system pathway damage causing muscle dysfunction; weakness, incoordination,or paralysis.
Acquired dysarthria
Disorder caused by damage to the nervous system near the time of birth
Congenital dysarthria (cerebral palsy)
A severe speech disorder with words dominated by simple syllable shapes CV, CVC, VC, vowel errors, and sounds that develop early m p b. No etiology
Childhood apraxia of speech(CAS)
A syndrome of deficits in visual, auditory, intellectual, and motor functions in the critical early development periods for speech and language
Cerebral palsy
Restricted oxygen supply
Before birth
At the time of birth
After birth
Mooplegia paraplegia triplegia quadriplegia or tetraplegia
Orthopedic classifications of cerebral palsy
Type of cerebral palsy classified by damage to the pyramidal tract and the associated extrapyramidal system
Spastic type
Abnormal resistance to muscle lengthening and is produced by a hypersensitivity of muscle stretch reflexes
Spasticity (hypertonicity)
Involuntary movements characterized by a writhing and twisting motion
Athetoid cerebral palsy