Ch 9 Flashcards
Adroit (adj)
Adept, clever/skillful in using hands/mind
Blithe (adj)
Carefree, merry
Caustic (adj)
Burning or stinging, destroying living tissue
Severely critical or sarcastic
Depredate (v)
To plunder, destroy
To exploit in a predatory manner
Emollient (adj)
Soothing, especially to the skin
Making less harsh
Fetid (adj)
Stinking, having a heavy bad smell
Gregarious (adj)
Sociable; outgoing; enjoying the company of other people
Hirsute (adj)
Hairy, shaggy
Imperturbable (adj)
Marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadiness
Loquacious (adj)
Extremely talkative
Mercurial (adj)
Characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood
• mercurial weather
Noxious (adj)
Harmful, injurious
Odious (adj)
Hateful; arousing strong feelings of dislike
Peccadillo (n)
A slight offense, minor sin
Reconnoiter (v)
Make a preliminary inspection of
Scout, explore
Saturnine (adj)
Gloomy, dark,
Tenuous (adj)
Having little substance or strength, flimsy, weak
Vigilant (adj)
Alertly watchful
Adulation (n)
Excessive praise; intense adoration
Impetuous (adj)
Acting or done quickly and without care; impulsive