Ch 25 Flashcards
Aspersion (n)
An attack on the reputation or integrity of someone/something
Cynicism (n)
Attitude or quality of belief that all people are motivated by selfishness
Dynamo (n)
Forceful, energetic person
Exonerate (v)
To remove blame
Intransigent (adj)
Refusing to compromise
Pluck (n)
Courage, fortitude
• it took a lot of pluck to face him
Plumb (v)
To measure the depth, to examine critically
Stint (v)
To restrain, be frugal
• I hate to stint on dessert
Assiduous (adj)
Diligent, hard-working
Expatiate (v)
Discuss or write about at length
Intrepid (adj)
Steadfast, courageous
• the intrepid explorers continued on despite the harsh conditions
Plummet (v)
To plunge or drop straight down
Poignant (adj)
Distressing, touching, stimulating, emotional
Stoic (adj)
Indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain, steadfast (firm and unwavering)
Assuage (v)
To ease or lessen; to appease or pacify