Ch 14 Flashcards
Alloy (v)
To mix
To commingle
Burgeon (v)
To grow rapidly or flourish
Chimera (n)
An illusion
Diaphanous (adj)
Ennui (n)
Dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy
Flout (v)
Openly disregard, demonstrate contempt
Impute (v)
To attribute to a cause or source, ascribe, assign as a characteristic
Misanthrope (n)
One who hates human kind
Misogynist (n)
One who hates women
Ossified (adj)
Changed into bone
Perfidy (n)
Intentional breach or faith, treachery
Perfunctory (adj)
Done without care or interest
Relegate (v)
To forcibly assign, especially to a lower place or position
Sinecure (n)
Position requiring little or no work and usually providing an income
Torque (n)
A force that causes rotation