Ch 11 Flashcards
Adumbrate (v)
To foreshadow vaguely, intimate, suggest, or outline sketchily
Boor (n)
Rude or insensitive person
Chary (adj)
Wary; cautious; sparing
Desiccate (v)
To dry out or dehydrate
To make dry or dull
Endemic (adj)
Characteristic or found in a particular region or people
Filigree (n)
An ornamental work, especially of delicate lacelike patterns
Resembling such a pattern
Guile (n)
Trickery, duplicity, cunning
Hubris (n)
Excessive pride or self confidence
Arrogant presumption
Importune (v)
To ask incessantly, beg, nag
Lumber (v)
To move heavily and clumsily or with a rumbling sound
Mettlesome (adj)
Courageous, high-spirited
Onerous (adj)
Troubling, burdensome
Penchant (n)
Strong inclination, a liking
• my penchant for fine wines
Redolent (adj)
Suggestive or evocative
Odorous or smelling
Seine (n)
Large net hung out and dragged in to catch fish