Ch 8 The New England Colonies Flashcards
What is a covenant?
An agreement between two parties, usually someone and God
What is a meeting house?
The most important building in a Puritan town, to meet for religious services or other meetings, like a church
What was a common?
A large open pasture that belonged to everyone or was public in the center of town
What was an apprentice?
Someone who learns a skill by working for a person with that skill
What was democracy?
The majority rule
What was a dissenter?
One who disagreed with accepted ideas of society
What was civil disobedience?
openly refusing to obey laws that someone thinks is unjust
What was the Great Awakening?
A religious revival in the New England colonies was fiery preaching
What was a merchant?
Someone who buys transports and sells goods for profit
What was the Parliament?
A law making body in England
What was a duty?
Attacks on French and Dutch goods such as sugar and molasses
What does smuggle mean?
Taking goods in or out of a country secretly and unlawfully to avoid taxes
Who was Roger Williams?
A young minister who was at the center who thought of religious freedom and the separation of government church and he was banished from the colony of Massachusetts and establish the colony of Rhode Island
Who was Anne Hutchinson?
A mother of 14 who was a dissenter that believed in a personal relationship was God and she was also banished from her civil disobedience
Who was George Whitefield?
And if one ministered doing the Great Awakening who also helped in the rise of methodism
Who was Massasoit?
Leader of the Wampanoag Indians who helped Roger Williams hide from banishment to England
Who was John Winthrop?
The governor of the Puritans who established Massachusetts Bay Colony
Who was Mary Dyer?
A friend of Anne Hutchinson who got hanged for her beliefs
Why did Puritans build their homes in towns instead of near their farmland?
Because they believed God wanted them to live well so they could help each other and hence build a strong community
What changes in Puritan Life helped lead to the Great Awakening?
1 The dissenters weakened the authority of ministers
2 the original Puritans had died
3 the younger Puritans wanted to prosper instead of be involved in religion
4 fiery preaching
Why did Merchants smuggle goods into New England?
To avoid the tax and duties on goods from france and Dutch especially sugar and molasses from non-English colonies
What was the Algonquin belief about nature?
They would just fish farm and hunt just the way nature was and they moved around to survive and they didn’t own land
What was the Puritan belief system about nature?
They wanted to settle down and own land and tame and subdue nature by clearing building and fencing
What were New England’s main products?
fish and lumber
How did the witchcraft craze affect salem and other New England communities?
People got caught up in these crazes an unpopular members were declared witches and a lot of people when I trial and got hanged also a lot of people were dying from the Puritan fear of the devil and witchcraft also poor farmers accused rich merchants of being which is out of jealousy and this was an excuse to get rid of outspokenpeople and descenders and also moldy green might have sickened the people making them appear like witches
What was the difference between civil disobedience and smuggling?
Several disobedience was a public protest while smuggling was hiding and you don’t they didn’t want people to notice them doing so. Also, in several disobedience they wanted to solve moral problems but in smuggling they wanted to solve their own financial problems
Which of civil disobedience or smuggling do you think is more okay, if either?
- I think civil disobedience might be better because if you think of nowadays versus the civil disobedience from for instance and Hutchinson we look back on it positively finally as if she did what she thought was right whereas in smuggling we don’t look back on it positively.
- Smuggling is really cheating the government of its income, which is supposed to benefit everyone in society. So smugglers are cheating everyone. By contrast, civil disobedience is trying to publicly change something about government that is unfair, which would benefit everyone, instead of hurt everyone.