CH 8 TECHNOLOGY Flashcards
what do you know about DNA? (recap)
each nucleotide made of;
- deoxyribose sugar molecule
- phosphate group
- nitrogenous base (thymine, cytosine, adenine, guanine)
bases of strands attracted to each other by hydrogen bonds
what is artificial selection / selective breeding
- modification of organisms for desirable traits
- selecting which male and female organisms are crossed to produce offspring to increase/decrease the chances of certain traits showing up in future generations
- slow, inefficient process, genes are passed by chance, must wait for offspring to mature before knowing the outcome
what is genetic engineering / recombinant DNA technology
- DNA is either added or removed from a cell
- DNA produced is called recombinant DNA and the organism is called a genetically modified organism (GMO)
what is a transgenic organism?
- organism produced when DNA from one species is introduced to another species
- the aim of such an organism is to introduce a trait that is not normally present
who first created recombinant DNA and what was their technique?
- Stanley Norman Cohen and Herbert Boyer (1973)
- their technique: isolate and amplify genes or DNA segments and insert them into a bacterial cell, creating a transgenic bacterium
what are restriction enzymes?
- certain enzymes in bacteria that are able to restrict the duplication of bacteriophages by cutting up the viral DNA
- scientists found that these enzymes always cut the DNA at a point where there is a certain sequence of bases [sequence known as recognition sequence]
what is an endonuclease?
give an example of one
enzymes that cut within a DNA molecule by separating two nucleotides
e.g. restriction enzyme
differentiate between a straight cut and a staggered cut
straight cut: restriction enzyme makes a clean break across the two strands of DNA to produce a blunt end (blunt end; where both ends terminate in a base pair)
staggered cut: results in fragments with sticky ends (sticky end; a stretch of unpaired nucleotides in the DNA molecule that overhang in the break in the strands)
what are some characteristics of recognition sites?
- 4-8 base pairs in length
- palindromic
- same sequence occurs on both strands within the site due to the complementary nature of the bases
what will each restriction enzyme do when cutting DNA strands?
- recognise a certain base sequence
- cut at a certain point
both these factors contribute to the type of cut
why can sticky ends be useful?
- they possess the ability to combine with sections of DNA that have a complementary ending
- this allows a single-stranded overhang from one DNA fragment to be paired with any other piece of DNA that has the corresponding sequence
- this DNA could be from the same or different organism
how does the name of each enzyme reflect its origin?
- 1st letter: genus of the bacterium from which it is isolated
- 2nd two letters: species
- next letter: strain of the bacterium
- the roman numerals represent when the enzyme was isolated; I is the first enzyme isolated, II is the second enzyme isolated etc…
e.g. EcoRI is the first restriction enzyme isolated from the RY13 strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli
what is DNA ligase?
- DNA-joining enzyme that allows the modification of genes through the ability to join, recombine or separate pieces of DNA
- found in Escherichia coli
- some version is used by every living cell to ‘glue’ together short strands of DNA during replication (a process called ligation)
how does DNA ligase work?
- works by joining the phosphate group at the end of one strand to the sugar molecule at the end of another strand
- for this to be possible, the complementary bases must first from hydrogen bonds, then the DNA ligase can join the backbone of each strand
when producing an organism with recombinant DNA, the gene of interest is isolated, inserted into a vector and then cloned. how is this achieved?
- identifying the desired gene
- using a restricted enzyme to cut the DNA on either side of the gene
- using the same restriction enzyme to cut the DNA of the vector
- adding the desired gene to the vector
- using DNA ligase to join the two sections of DNA