Ch 8 Structures Flashcards
Je dors très bien.
I sleep very well.
Dormez-vous à la belle étoile?
Do you sleep in the open air?
Nous dormons jusqu’à 7 h 30.
We sleep until 7:30.
Je pars en vacances.
I’m leaving on vacation.
Ce plat sent bon.
This dish smells good.
Nous servons le petit déjeuner à 8 h.
We serve breakfast at 8:00.
À quelle heure allez-vous sortir ce soir?
What time are you going out tonight?
Je pars demain.
I’m leaving (departing) tomorrow.
Partir is the opposite of arriver. It can be used alone or followed by a preposition.
Elle part de/pour Cannes.
She’s leaving from/for Cannes.
Partir is the opposite of arriver. It can be used alone or followed by a preposition.
Ils sortent du théâtre.
They’re leaving the theater.
Sortir is the opposite of entrer (to enter). It can be used alone or followed by a preposition.
Elle sort de la caravane.
She’s getting out of the camper.
Sortir is the opposite of entrer (to enter). It can be used alone or followed by a preposition.
Sortons de l’eau!
Let’s get out of the water!
Sortir is the opposite of entrer (to enter). It can be used alone or followed by a preposition.
Tu sors ce soir?
Are you going out tonight?
Sortir can also mean that one is going out for the evening or seeing another person regularly.
Iris et Édouard sortent ensemble.
Iris and Édouard are going out together.
Sortir can also mean that one is going out for the evening or seeing another person regularly.
Je quitte Paris.
I’m leaving Paris.
Quitter means to leave (go away from) something or someone. It always requires a direct object, either a place or a person.
Elle quitte son ami.
She’s leaving her boyfriend.
Quitter means to leave (go away from) something or someone. It always requires a direct object, either a place or a person.
Nous venons de Saint-Malo.
We come from Saint-Malo.
Viens voir la plage!
Come see the beach!
Je viens de nager.
I’ve just been swimming.
Mes amis viennent de téléphoner.
My friends have just telephoned.
Ils reviennent de vacances.
They’re coming back from vacation.
On devient expert grâce à l’expérience.
One becomes an expert with (thanks to) experience.