Ch 8 Post-incident Analysis Flashcards
A _________ allows members who were involved to speak up in a nonthreatening environment and brings out issues that can be collectively discussed so that common resolutions can be found.
A __________ is an activity involving command and response personnel, taking place after an incident response.
post incident analysis
The attention paid to post incident analysis determines how serious the organization embraces __________.
learning and quality improvement
The motivations for performing post incident analysis should focus on improving communications, performance and behavior, and correcting inefficiencies for the benefit of ________
future responses.
A well conducted PIA can also be a spontaneous, relaxed, professional airing of issues after what is considered a _________
normal incident
Oversees the process of leading participants through a reconstruction of events, actions, and procedures that occurred during a response to an incident, with the outcome of improving future performance.
PIA Facilitator
when the team leader, the company officer or senior emergency medical service provider, assembles the crew around the Tailboard of an engine, the back of the ambulance, on the helipad, or in the emergency room and reviews the call
Tailboard debriefing
Every scene should get a ______ in which responders can defuse the emotional charge of the scene, identify deficiencies and ineffective behaviors, and offload any stress before the next event.
hot wash
It can be more valuable to review the smaller incidents than the larger ones because mistakes are expected to occur during _________.
multijurisdictional, major events
Learning organizations continually mine their experiences for information that can be used to ________
improve performance
________ are not errors or mistakes; they are the results from an operator’s conscious choice to act, or behave, in a manner that is destructive, mean or abusive.
Behavioral problems
A PIA must mirror the _______. One size does not fit all
incident type
“It is important to remember that the focus of the PIA is on learning, improving, and __________ - not fixing blame”
implementing solutions
A ____________ is one that overwhelms the ability of a responder to cope with the experience, either at the scene or later.
critical incident
confidential, group discussions with personnel who have been involved in particularly traumatic calls or other painful incidents
Critical incident stress debriefings (CISD)
CISD is usually held within _________ of the incident. When extreme emotion is present, certain individuals may need to be referred to the employee assistance program or professional counseling
24 to 72 hours
The most effective PIA’s are structured so that each team member involved in the incident has time to speak and __________
present observations
A good leader will place importance on each member’s experience and observations by encouraging _________
participation at PIA